Browsing by Author Stavrou, Eleana F.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Genomic variation in the MAP3K5 gene is associated with β-thalassemia disease severity and hydroxyurea treatment efficacy | Tafrali, Christina; Paizi, Arsinoi; Borg, Joseph J.; Radmilovic, Milena; Bartsakoulia, Marina; Giannopoulou, Emily; Giannakopoulou, Olga; Stojiljkovic-Petrovic, Maja; Zukic, Branka; Poulas, Konstantinos; Stavrou, Eleana F.; Lambropoulou, Polyxeni; Kourakli, Alexandra; Felice, Alex; Papachatzopoulou, Adamantia; Philipsen, Sjaak; Pavlovic, Sonja; Georgitsi, Marianthi; Patrinos, George P. |
2012 | KLF10 gene expression is associated with high fetal hemoglobin levels and with response to hydroxyurea treatment in β-hemoglobinopathy patients | Borg, Joseph J.; Phylactides, Marios; Bartsakoulia, Marina; Tafrali, Christina; Lederer, Carsten W.; Felice, Alex; Papachatzopoulou, Adamantia; Kourakli, Alexandra; Stavrou, Eleana F.; Christou, Soteroula; Hou, Jun; Karkabouna, Sophia; Lappa-Manakou, Christina; Ozgur, Zeliha; Ijcken, Wilfred van; Lindern, Marieke von; Grosveld, Frank G.; Georgitsi, Marianthi; Kleanthous, Marina; Philipsen, Sjaak; Patrinos, George P. |