Browsing by Author Thake, Charles

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1968-12Aurora (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry of Education, Culture and Tourism; Moviment Qawmien Letterarju; Sammut, Frans; Ebejer, Francis; Thake, Charles; Marshall, Albert
1979-02Bejn ta' l-ewwel... U tat-tieni! (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; 3-K's Productions; Prime Bacon Company Ltd.; Borg, Alan C.; Thake, Charles; Izzo, Joe
1976-11Fis-skiet... U bi tbissima (Theatre programme)Għaqda Drammatika Teatru Manoel; Izzo, Joe; Thake, Charles
1983-12Folk Malti (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture; Kumitat Festi Nazzjonali; Manoel Theatre Orchestra; Manoel Theatre Choir; Grupp Folkloristiku "Żepp u Grezz"; Grupp Folkloristiku Nazzjonali "Viva Malta"; Greenfields; Ċikku tal-Fjuri u Sħabu; Qawsalla; Vella, Charles; Camilleri, Mary; Sammut, Joseph; Zahra, George; Mallia, Mary Rose; Thake, Charles; Galea, Vitorin; Cauchi, Lino; Spiteri, Mary; Camilleri, Tony; O'Neil, Frank; Vella, Joseph; Theuma, Lilian
1979-10Gojjelli, brillanti, djamanti u kalmanti (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; 3-K's Productions; Charles Grech & Company Ltd.; Borg, Alan C.; Thake, Charles; Izzo, Joe
1973-09[Ġabra ta’ kitbiet : Il-Malti, Ħarġa 49]. Ħanina...! ; Ħassejt...Madonna ; Meta tiġi bid-dgħajsa ; It-turbu ; Iss’inżel xemx ; Ħames limerikki ; Għax jiena marjunett! ; “L-imsejkna vjola tiegħi” ; Kwarta ma’ musmar ; “Il-ħelsien”.Aquilina, Pawlu; Agius, Mario; Mifsud, Pawlu; Vassallo, J. P.; Friggieri, Oliver; Caruana, Vincent; Abela, G.; Rosella, Giuseppe; Cassola, Albert M.; Thake, Charles
1984-03Id-di w id-do (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; 1. K. Productions; Simon, Neil; Thake, Charles
1980-02Mit-tregija taht bakketta ghax-xalar ta' l-operetta! (Programme)Manoel Theatre; 3-K's Productions; Lilian Attard Ballet School; Air Malta; Roberto, Franco; Izzo, Charles; Thake, Charles; Izzo, Joe; Lynam Delicata, Jeni
1978The secret weapon (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Kullana; Izzo, Joe; Thake, Charles