Browsing by Author Vella, Adriana

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 103  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20152000-2014 cetacean sighting records in the central Mediterranean region from sea-users : an evaluation of long-term trendsVella, Adriana; Vella, Joseph
2019Abundance, distribution and diet of the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, in the northern Aegean Sea (Greece)Milani, Cristina; Vella, Adriana; Vidoris, Pavlos; Christidis, Aristidis; Koutrakis, Emmanouil
2018Acoustic characterisation of bats from Malta : setting a baseline for monitoring and conservation of bat populationsMifsud, Clare Marie; Vella, Adriana
2015Aerial surveys to study cetaceans : implications for integrated conservation management and sustainable maritime developmentVella, Adriana
2018Alien species are rapidly affecting native biodiversity conservationVella, Adriana
2013Allozyme genetic variability in the sea cucumber (holothuria polii) around the Maltese IslandsSpiteri, David; Vella, Adriana
2023The application gap : genomics for biodiversity and ecosystem service managementHeuertz, Myriam; Carvalho, Silvia B.; Galindo, Juan; Rinkevich, Baruch; Robakowski, Piotr; Aavik, Tsipe; Altinok, Ilhan; Barth, Julia M.I.; Cotrim, Helena; Goessen, Roos; Gonzalez-Martínez, Santiago C.; Grebenc, Tine; Hoban, Sean; Kopatz, Alexander; McMahon, Barry J.; Porth, Ilga; Raeymaekers, Joost A.M.; Trager, Sabrina; Valdecantos, Alejandro; Vella, Adriana; Vernesi, Cristiano; Garniere-Gere, Pauline
2018Assessing cetacean surveys throughout the Mediterranean Sea : a gap analysis in environmental spaceMannocci, Laura; Roberts, Jason J.; Halpin, Patrick N.; Authier, Matthieu; Boisseau, Oliver; Nejmeddine Bradai, Mohamed; Cañadas, Ana; Chicote, Carla; David, Léa; Di-Méglio, Nathalie; Fortuna, Caterina M.; Frantzis, Alexandros; Gazo, Manel; Genov, Tilen; Hammond, Philip S.; Holcer, Draško; Kaschner, Kristin; Kerem, Dani; Lauriano, Giancarlo; Lewis, Tim; Notarbartolo di Sciara, Giuseppe; Panigada, Simone; Raga, Juan Antonio; Scheinin, Aviad; Ridoux, Vincent; Vella, Adriana; Vella, Joseph G.
2018An assessment of catches of shore sport fishing competitions along the coast of the Maltese Islands : implications for conservation and managementAgius Darmanin, Sandra; Vella, Adriana
2005Blue fin tuna conservation in the Mediterranean sea : landings and genetic assessment in the Central-Southern MediterraneanVella, Adriana
2010Bluefin tuna conservation research in the central-southern Mediterranean spawning areaVella, Adriana
2022Call me by my name : unravelling the taxonomy of the gulper shark genus Centrophorus in the Mediterranean Sea through an integrated taxonomic approachBellodi, Andrea; Benvenuto, Anna; Melis, Riccardo; Mulas, Antonello; Barone, Monica; Barría, Claudio; Cariani, Alessia; Carugati, Laura; Chatzispyrou, Archontia; Desrochers, Monique; Ferrari, Alice; Guallart, Javier; Hemida, Farid; Mancusi, Cecilia; Mazzoldi, Carlotta; Ramírez-Amaro, Sergio; Rey, Javier; Scannella, Danilo; Serena, Fabrizio; Tinti, Fausto; Vella, Adriana; Follesa, Maria Cristina; Cannas, Rita
2016Catches of the sport fishing competitions along the Maltese coastAgius Darmanin, Sandra; Vella, Adriana
2012Central-southern Mediterranean submarine canyons and steep slopes : role played in the distribution of cetaceans, bluefin tunas and elasmobranchsVella, Adriana; Vella, Joseph G.
2013Cetacean distribution in the Thracian Sea (North Aegean Sea, Greece) related with fishing activities.Milani, Cristina; Vella, Adriana; Vidoris, Pavlos; Christidis, Aris; Koutrakis, Emanouil
2017Cetacean strandings and diet analyses in the North Aegean Sea (Greece)Milani, Cristina; Vella, Adriana; Vidoris, Pavlos; Christidis, Aristidis; Kallianiotis, Argyris; Koutrakis, Emanouil
2013Cetacean, turtle and pelagic species and associations in the central-southern Mediterranean sea : implications for conservation actionVella, Adriana
2021Characterization and comparison of the complete mitochondrial genomes of two stingrays, Dasyatis pastinaca and Dasyatis tortonesei (Myliobatiformes : Dasyatidae) from the Mediterranean SeaVella, Noel; Vella, Adriana
2021Characterization of the complete mitogenome of Haifa grouper, Hyporthodus haifensis (Perciformes : Serranidae), and its phylogenetic position within EpinepheliniVella, Noel; Vella, Adriana
2013Classification of species within the genus Hexanchus and Heptranchias through mtDNA sequencesVella, Noel; Vella, Adriana