Browsing by Author Vella, Daniel A.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Air qualityVella, Alfred J.; Callus, Joe; Galea, Herman; Vella, Daniel A.
2024Ancient glass from the island of Malta : a preliminary study of Phoenician-Punic, Roman and post-Roman findsGrima, Matthew; Anastasi, Maxine; Cardona, David; Gambin, Timmy; Mercieca-Spiteri, Bernardette; Vella, Nicholas C.; Cagno, Simone; Vella, Daniel A.
2019The behaviour of as-applied and artificially weathered silica–epoxy consolidants on a typical Mediterranean porous limestone : a comparison with TEOSBriffa, Sophie M.; Vella, Daniel A.
2016Biocalcifying Bacillus subtilis cells effectively consolidate deteriorated Globigerina limestoneMicallef, Roderick; Vella, Daniel A.; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Zammit, Gabrielle
2007[Book Review] Conserving our HeritageVella, Daniel A.
2009-12Copy or authentic : analysis of a Phoenician gold ring from the National Museum of Archaeology, Valletta, MaltaVella, Daniel A.; Licari, James; Vella, Nicholas C.; Sultana, Sharon; Ciantar, Vanessa
2024Design and manufacture of a device for in-situ corrosion monitoring of underwater metallic wrecksBezzina, Jacob; Vella, Daniel A.; Gambin, Timmy; Muscat, Martin; Vella, Pierre
2019The effect of alloying elements on the properties of pressed and non-pressed biodegradable Fe–Mn–Ag powder metallurgy alloysCaligari Conti, Malcolm; Mallia, Bertram; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Vella, Daniel A.
2018The effect of sol–gel boehmite coatings on the corrosion and decarburization of C45 steelNagode, Ales; Jerina, Kaja; Jerman, Ivan; Vella, Daniel A.; Bizjak, Milan; Kosec, Borut; Karpe, Blaz; Zorc, Borut
2018Evaluating the performance of calcium tartrate as a consolidant for soft limestoneCardona, C.; Vella, Daniel A.
2018Influence of cold rolling on in vitro cytotoxicity and electrochemical behaviour of an Fe-Mn-C biodegradable alloy in physiological solutionsCaligari Conti, Malcolm; Aquilina, Daniel; Paternoster, Carlo; Vella, Daniel A.; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Mantovani, Diego; Cassar, Glenn; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2004Metallurgy of armour exhibited at the Palace Armoury, Valletta, MaltaVella, Daniel A.; Degrigny, C.; Grech, M.; Williams, A.; Ashton, John; Hallam, David
2006A novel ‘in-situ’ approach for the examination of the microstructure of metal artefacts. Principles and application to iron based armour elementsWilliams, Alan; Vella, Daniel A.; Giumlia-Mair, Alessandra; Degrigny, Christian; Grech, Maurice
2019Optimisation of fluorapatite coating synthesis applied to a biodegradable substrateCaligari Conti, Malcolm; Xerri, Gianella; Peyrouzet, Florian; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Mantovani, Diego; Vella, Daniel A.; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2008A preliminary investigation of the removal of rust stains from globigerina limestone surfaces using coupled chelating-reducing systemsHadj Amar, A. B.; Vella, Daniel A.; Chetcuti, F.
2005Preliminary study of the morphology of corrosion developing on historic steel armour artifacts from the Palace Armoury Collection, Valletta, MaltaVella, Daniel A.; Degrigny, C.; Grech, M.
2007A standardised remote monitoring photographic capture system (RMPCS) for in-situ documentation of corrosion protection system testsCrawford, James; Degrigny, Christian; Glorieux, Quentin; Bugeja, Pierre; Vella, Daniel A.
2013A study of nano-particle based silane consolidants for Globigerina limestoneBriffa, Sophie M.; Mosquera, Maria J.; Vella, Daniel A.
2012TEOS based consolidants for Maltese Globigerina Limestone : effect of hydroxyl conversion treatmentBriffa, Sophie M.; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Vella, Daniel A.
2007Testing of a new wax coating Poligen ES 91009® and corrosion inhibitor additives used for improving coatings for historic iron alloysArgyropoulos, Vasilike; Charalambous, Dimitrios; Kaminari, Agathi; Karabotsos, Athanasios; Polikreti, Kyriaki; Siatou, Amalia; Cano, Emilio; Bastidas, David M.; Cayuela, Iris; Bastidas, Jose-Maria; Degrigny, Christian; Vella, Daniel A.; Crawford, James; Golfomitsou, Stavroula