Browsing by Author Zammit, David E.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997AbstractsAndò, Salvo; Busuttil, Salvino; Curmi, Lucienne; Zammit, David E.
2013Balancing between patronage and professionalism : an ethnographic account of lawyering in MaltaZammit, David E.
2004[Book review] Laws of the postcolonialZammit, David E.
1999[Book review] Mainly human rights : studies in honour of J. J. CremonaZammit, David E.
2007[Book review] Stepping out of the brain drain : applying Catholic social teaching in a new era of migrationZammit, David E.
2004Bridging the gaps between the historiesZammit, David E.; Treiki, Hadeel Al.; Pappe, Ilan
2002The case of the 'faithful prostitute' : judicial creativity and family values in a Southern European contextZammit, David E.
2009Cities and crisesDay, Dennis; Grindsted, Annette; Piquard, Brigitte; Zammit, David E.; Villanueva, Kevin H. R.
2019Clinical legal education in Malta : learning from experience and identifying the challengesZammit, David E.; Kislova, Alina
2003Commoditising rubble in Maltese suburbia : a photo-essayZammit, David E.
2012"Consultative assessment of Integration of Third Country Nationals” projectZammit, David E.
2020Displacing the natives in early British Malta : bastion burials, tournaments and gibbetsZammit, David E.
2002Does the 'non cumul' rule exist in our civil law?Zammit, David E.
2007Editorial : the subject of rights immersed in a "Sea of Troubles"Gallagher, Anna; Pistone, Michele; Zammit, David E.
2000Editorial foreword [Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights, 4]Andò, Salvo; Refalo, Ian; Zammit, David E.
2018Editors' introduction : religious marriages in the MediterraneanHirsch, Susan F.; Ibtisam, Sadegh; Zammit, David E.
2022Establishing civil liability for smart contracts : a hybrid legal framework to regulate an emerging technologyZammit, David E.; Debono, Pauline
2016Foreword [Court delay and human rights remedies]Zammit, David E.
2018Foreword [Renting immovables in twenty-first century Malta. Does the law provide a level playing field?]Zammit, David E.
2012“A happy union”? Malta’s legal hybridityDonlan, Seán Patrick; Andò, Biagio; Zammit, David E.