Browsing by Author Zammit, Paul

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007A 10 Gsamples/s SiGe track-and-hold amplifier with 8-bit resolutionZammit, Paul; Grech, Ivan; Micallef, Joseph; Gatt, Edward
2019275 sena Konsagrazzjoni tal-Katidral tal-LvantZammit, Paul
20153D imaging and ranging in a snapshotZammit, Paul; Carles, Guillem; Harvey, Andrew R.
20163D microfluidic particle image velocimetry with extended depth-of-field and a single cameraZhou, Yongzhuang; Zammit, Paul; Harvey, Andrew R.
2014Computational imaging for simpler opticsHarvey, Andrew R.; Bustin, Nick; Downing, James; Carles, Guillem; Muyo, Gonzalo; Wood, Andy; Zammit, Paul
2018Computational localization microscopy with extended axial rangeZhou, Yongzhuang; Zammit, Paul; Carles, Guillem; Harvey, Andrew R.
2015Depressive illness in institutionalised older people in MaltaZammit, Paul; Fiorini, Anthony
2018Double-cubic point spread function for 3D extended-depth localization microscopyZhou, Yongzhuang; Zickus, Vytautas; Harvey, Andrew R.; Zammit, Paul
2020Engineering the pupil : from focus-free cameras to 3D microscopyHarvey, Andrew R.; Carles, Guillem; Handley, Michael; Taylor, Jonathan M.; Zammit, Paul; Zhou, Yongzhuang; Zickus, Vytautas
2017Enhanced computational imaging for microendoscopyWilson, Stuart Henry; Zhou, Yongzhuang; Zammit, Paul; Harvey, Andy R.
2014Extended depth-of-field imaging and ranging in a snapshotZammit, Paul; Harvey, Andrew R.; Carles, Guillem
2017Extended depth-of-field imaging and ranging in microscopyZammit, Paul
2018High-speed extended-volume blood flow measurement using engineered point-spread functionsZhou, Yongzhuang; Zickus, Vytautas; Zammit, Paul; Taylor, Jonathan M.; Harvey, Andrew R.
2024Hip fractures in older persons in Malta : an epidemiological studyTua, Julia; Camilleri, Jessica; Spiteri, Mark; Camilleri, Lara; Dalli, Stephanie; Vassallo, Mark-Anthony; Zammit, Paul; Cordina, John
2019Holistic Monte-Carlo optical modelling of biological imagingCarles, Guillem; Zammit, Paul; Harvey, Andrew R.
2019Il-Beatu Nazju Falzon fil-Parroċċa taż-ŻejtunZammit, Paul
2002Il-home guards fil-QrendiZammit, Paul
2011Il-mitjar ta' Ħal Far (1929-1941)Zammit, Paul
2003Il-Papa Ljun XIIIZammit, Paul
1999Il-Qrendi fis-seklu għoxrinZammit, Paul