Browsing by Author Zammit, Raymond

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 42  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022AN ACT to further amend the Criminal Code, Cap. 9. Bill No. 28A : position paperAgius, Emmanuel; Aquilina, Kevin; Savona Ventura, Charles; Borg, Tonio; Calleja, Carlo; Zammit, Raymond
2014Bill on gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics : comments and concernsAgius, Emmanuel; Delicata, Nadia; Grima, George; Galea, Paul; Zammit, Raymond; Farrugia, Richard-Nazzareno; Borg, Anton
2017-12Breaking bad news in cancer : an assessment of Maltese patients’ preferencesAzzopardi, Joelle; Gauci, Dorothy; Parker, Patricia A.; Calleja, Neville; Sloan, Jeff A.; Zammit, Raymond
2001Charles Taylor on modern identityZammit, Raymond
2007Children’s right to participate in medical decision makingZammit, Raymond
2019Contemporary issues in bioethicsAgius, Emmanuel; Zammit, Raymond
2015A cross-sectional survey of Maltese patients' preferences for receiving a cancer diagnosisAgius (Azzopardi), Joelle; Zammit, Raymond
2014Dalla retorica alla realta : perche si domanda una more assistita?Zammit, Raymond
2022Do we need bioethics?Zammit, Raymond
2021Editorial note [Melita Theologica, 71(2)]Zammit, Raymond
2022Embryo Protection Act (Amendment) Bill no.5 : a position paperAgius, Emmanuel; Calleja, Carlo; Attard Montalto, Simon; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Aquilina, Kevin; Savona Ventura, Charles; Zammit, Raymond; Callus, Anne-Marie; Grima, George; Bianchi, Daniel; Gauci, Maria Victoria; Sultana, Mark; Schembri Wismayer, Pierre
2021The environmental concerns of the Maltese ChurchZammit, Raymond; Calleja, Carlo
2024Ethical considerations in the regulation and use of herbal medicines in the European UnionGatt, Anthony Raphael; Vella Bonanno, Patricia; Zammit, Raymond
2023Ethical issues of artificial intelligence & assisted reproductive technologiesZammit, Raymond
2021Ethical issues regarding maternal and neonatal health in times of disasterZerafa, Claire; Zammit, Raymond; Calleja-Agius, Jean
2021The European framework for intellectual property rights for biological medicinesSciberras, Josette; Zammit, Raymond; Vella Bonanno, Patricia
1992Id-9 ta' April, 1942: għeluq il-ħamsin sena mit-traġedja f'Ħal-LuqaZammit, Raymond
2001Il-baxxZammit, Raymond
2013Il-festa titulari tas-sena 1913 u għeluq it-tletin sena mit-twaqqif tal-Għaqda Mużikali Sant'AndrijaZammit, Raymond
2009Il-monument tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira ta' Ħal- Luqa 1884-2009Zammit, Raymond