Browsing by Author Sciberras, Paul (Peer-reviewed)
Showing results 1 to 36 of 36
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024 | A duty to remain connected : a biblical perspective of the wisdom of the Shabbàt | Sciberras, Paul |
2024 | Shaped by his upbringing : Jesus’ mission in Luke 4 : 16–22 aligned with Luke 2 : 51–52 as a paradigm for youth formation, empowerment, and social engagement today | Sciberras, Paul |
2024 | A biblical reading of the 𝘊𝘪𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴 by Filippo Paladini (at the Jesuit Church in Valletta, Malta) | Sciberras, Paul |
2024 | Recognising the risen Lord through Scriptures : the Apostle Paul as an ideal match for the two disciples on the way to Emmaus in Luke 24 : 13–35 | Sciberras, Paul |
2023 | Jethro and Moses in dialogue (Exodus 18: 8–26) : ethics of communitarian responsibility | Sciberras, Paul |
2023 | Martin Luther’s take on justification by faith in Romans : gauging its centrality or otherwise for Paul | Sciberras, Paul |
2023 | Ephesians 6:10-20 and Exodus 12:1-28 : a proposal for an intertextual reading | Sciberras, Paul |
2023 | The divine physician : exploring Jesus as healer of the physical and spiritual dimensions | Sciberras, Paul |
2022 | Cultic nuances in the Parable of the Good Samaritan and its context (Lk 10: 25-37) | Sciberras, Paul |
2022 | Melita Theologica : volume 72 : issue 2 : ‘In the World’ but not ‘of the World’ (John 17:14-16) : the Christian calling to embrace and transform the world | Micallef, Martin; Sciberras, Paul |
2022 | Editorial note : “In the World” but not “of the World” ( John 17:14-16) : the Christian calling to embrace and transform the world | Sciberras, Paul |
2022 | ‘For even I’ : the centurion’s statement of faith as a declaration of truth and faithfulness | Sciberras, Paul |
2022 | Contemporary political engagement - prophetic and Pauline perspectives | Attard, Stefan M.; Sciberras, Paul |
2021 | It-tħaddim tal-Malti minn Pietru Pawl Saydon fit-traduzzjoni tat-Testment il-Ġdid mill-Grieg | Sciberras, Paul |
2020 | Il-Bibbja : il-Kotba Mqaddsa | Sciberras, Paul |
2020 | "In our image, our likeness" : Genesis, John Paul II and Chiara Lubich | Sciberras, Paul |
2019 | New Man – new creation in the theology of Paul | Sciberras, Paul |
2019 | The Church as body of Christ : Pavel Florenskij’s, The Concept of Church in Sacred Scripture | Sciberras, Paul |
2019 | Mikiel Anton Vassalli : traduttur tal-Kotba Mqaddsa | Sciberras, Paul |
2018 | The tradition of religious translations in Malta | Sciberras, Paul |
2018 | Il-Kostituzzjoni Dommatika tal-Konċilju Vatikan II dwar ir-rivelazzjoni Divina, Dei Verbum, u l-iżviluppi tagħha fil-Knisja f'Malta sal-2006 | Sciberras, Paul |
2018 | Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976) | Sciberras, Paul |
2017 | Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Mgr Dr Anthony Abela | Abela, Anthony; Sciberras, Paul; Agius, Emmanuel |
2015 | 'All flesh shall see the salvation of the lord' : the function of Paul’s shipwreck account in acts 27-28 : a proposal | Sciberras, Paul |
2015 | Said and unsaid : the parable of the widow and the unjust judge (Lk 18:1-8) | Sciberras, Paul |
2013 | Evangelizzazione e guarigioni : evangelizzare è guarire | Sciberras, Paul |
2013 | Discernment in 1 Thessalonians | Sciberras, Paul |
2013 | Mgr Prof. P.P. Saydon’s version of 1 Thessalonians : an exegetical and translation-critical study | Sciberras, Paul |
2011 | Il-Kelma t'Alla fil-ħajja u l-missjoni tal-Knisja : riflessjonijiet fuq l-eżortazzjoni apostolika post-sinodali Verbum Domini | Sciberras, Paul |
2009 | Il-bniedem fl-Ittri ta’ San Pawl | Sciberras, Paul |
2007 | Il-konverżjoni ta' Pietru u Pawlu | Sciberras, Paul |
2007 | The biblical perspective of the human person | Sciberras, Paul |
2006 | Il-bniedem il-ġdid fit-teoloġija Pawlina | Sciberras, Paul |
2003 | L-ispirazzjoni u l-verita' Biblika | Sciberras, Paul |
2003 | L-interpretazzjoni tal-Bibbja | Sciberras, Paul |
1999 | It-tifsira tal-Ġublew fil-Bibbja | Sciberras, Paul |
Expand list of publications (including grey literature and non-peer reviewed publications)