Browsing by Author Sciberras, Paul (Peer-reviewed)

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Showing results 1 to 36 of 36
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A duty to remain connected : a biblical perspective of the wisdom of the ShabbàtSciberras, Paul
2024Shaped by his upbringing : Jesus’ mission in Luke 4 : 16–22 aligned with Luke 2 : 51–52 as a paradigm for youth formation, empowerment, and social engagement todaySciberras, Paul
2024A biblical reading of the 𝘊𝘪𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴 by Filippo Paladini (at the Jesuit Church in Valletta, Malta)Sciberras, Paul
2024Recognising the risen Lord through Scriptures : the Apostle Paul as an ideal match for the two disciples on the way to Emmaus in Luke 24 : 13–35Sciberras, Paul
2023Jethro and Moses in dialogue (Exodus 18: 8–26) : ethics of communitarian responsibilitySciberras, Paul
2023Martin Luther’s take on justification by faith in Romans : gauging its centrality or otherwise for PaulSciberras, Paul
2023Ephesians 6:10-20 and Exodus 12:1-28 : a proposal for an intertextual readingSciberras, Paul
2023The divine physician : exploring Jesus as healer of the physical and spiritual dimensionsSciberras, Paul
2022Cultic nuances in the Parable of the Good Samaritan and its context (Lk 10: 25-37)Sciberras, Paul
2022Melita Theologica : volume 72 : issue 2 : ‘In the World’ but not ‘of the World’ (John 17:14-16) : the Christian calling to embrace and transform the worldMicallef, Martin; Sciberras, Paul
2022Editorial note : “In the World” but not “of the World” ( John 17:14-16) : the Christian calling to embrace and transform the worldSciberras, Paul
2022‘For even I’ : the centurion’s statement of faith as a declaration of truth and faithfulnessSciberras, Paul
2022Contemporary political engagement - prophetic and Pauline perspectivesAttard, Stefan M.; Sciberras, Paul
2021It-tħaddim tal-Malti minn Pietru Pawl Saydon fit-traduzzjoni tat-Testment il-Ġdid mill-GriegSciberras, Paul
2020Il-Bibbja : il-Kotba MqaddsaSciberras, Paul
2020"In our image, our likeness" : Genesis, John Paul II and Chiara LubichSciberras, Paul
2019New Man – new creation in the theology of PaulSciberras, Paul
2019The Church as body of Christ : Pavel Florenskij’s, The Concept of Church in Sacred ScriptureSciberras, Paul
2019Mikiel Anton Vassalli : traduttur tal-Kotba MqaddsaSciberras, Paul
2018The tradition of religious translations in MaltaSciberras, Paul
2018Il-Kostituzzjoni Dommatika tal-Konċilju Vatikan II dwar ir-rivelazzjoni Divina, Dei Verbum, u l-iżviluppi tagħha fil-Knisja f'Malta sal-2006Sciberras, Paul
2018Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976)Sciberras, Paul
2017Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Mgr Dr Anthony AbelaAbela, Anthony; Sciberras, Paul; Agius, Emmanuel
2015'All flesh shall see the salvation of the lord' : the function of Paul’s shipwreck account in acts 27-28 : a proposalSciberras, Paul
2015Said and unsaid : the parable of the widow and the unjust judge (Lk 18:1-8)Sciberras, Paul
2013Evangelizzazione e guarigioni : evangelizzare è guarireSciberras, Paul
2013Discernment in 1 ThessaloniansSciberras, Paul
2013Mgr Prof. P.P. Saydon’s version of 1 Thessalonians : an exegetical and translation-critical studySciberras, Paul
2011Il-Kelma t'Alla fil-ħajja u l-missjoni tal-Knisja : riflessjonijiet fuq l-eżortazzjoni apostolika post-sinodali Verbum DominiSciberras, Paul
2009Il-bniedem fl-Ittri ta’ San PawlSciberras, Paul
2007Il-konverżjoni ta' Pietru u PawluSciberras, Paul
2007The biblical perspective of the human personSciberras, Paul
2006Il-bniedem il-ġdid fit-teoloġija PawlinaSciberras, Paul
2003L-ispirazzjoni u l-verita' BiblikaSciberras, Paul
2003L-interpretazzjoni tal-BibbjaSciberras, Paul
1999It-tifsira tal-Ġublew fil-BibbjaSciberras, Paul

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