Browsing by Author Vassallo, Mario Thomas (Peer-reviewed)

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Showing results 1 to 49 of 49
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Public life in Malta IV : papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU’s smallest member stateVassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel
2024When elitism and populism clash : introducing the fourth volume [Analytical introduction]Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel
2023How civil society organizations brought change to the Maltese government between 2019 and 2020Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Cachia, Jean Claude; DeBattista, André P.
2023Daħla [Il-qawwa tal-kelma : ir-retorika politika]Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2023Il-qawwa tal-kelma : ir-retorika politikaVassallo, Mario Thomas; Spagnol, Michael
2022Subtle or irreverent : the political lyrics of Maltese kantawturiVassallo, Mario Thomas
2022Mobilising the masses through music and songs : the global phenomenon of music and politicsVassallo, Mario Thomas
2022Engaging with the EU policy-makingVassallo, Mario Thomas
2022Civil societyVassallo, Mario Thomas
202290 Village band clubs : a Maltese socio-political phenomenonVassallo, Mario Thomas
2022Mapping out cross-sectoral collaboration and multi-level governance within single use plastic policy : an analysisCassar, Clinton; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2022Il-poter tal-kelma : politika u letteratura f'Oliver FriggieriVassallo, Mario Thomas; Spagnol, Michael
2022Ilsien il-Malti fuq il-politika : qwiel u idjomi mill-università tat-triqVassallo, Mario Thomas
2021-10Cross-sectoral collaboration within multi-level governance : the case of single-use plastic policy in MaltaVassallo, Mario Thomas; Cassar, Clinton
2021Politics and power in Maltese proverbs and idiomsVassallo, Mario Thomas
2021Godfrey Pirotta : il-politika ta' ħajtiVassallo, Mario Thomas
2021Kollox politika? : governanza, reliġjon, ekonomija u amministrazzjoni pubblikaVassallo, Mario Thomas
2021Karattri u rakkonti mir-raħal u mis-safarVassallo, Mario Thomas
2021Sehem il-każini tal-banda fil-mixja politika u soċjali tal-poplu MaltiVassallo, Mario Thomas
2020-12Predictors of employment outcomes among Filipino workers in MaltaDebono, Manwel; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2020Political, economic and social transformations in the time of a pandemicVassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel
2020Domestic and European response to irregular migration : Malta’s moral dilemma 2002-2016Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Cachia, Jean Claude
2020Labouring behind closed doors : the working and living conditions of Filipino live-in care workers in MaltaVassallo, Mario Thomas; Debono, Manwel
2020Public life in Malta III : papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU’s smallest member stateVassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel
2019-09An analysis of working conditions of Filipinos in MaltaDebono, Manwel; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2018Democratic governance in the digital ageThake, Anne Marie; Micallef, Robert; Pirotta, Godfrey; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2017Politics and music : the Maltese experienceVassallo, Mario Thomas
2017An introduction to public life in a small island stateVassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel
2017EpiloguVassallo, Mario Thomas
2017Public life in Malta : papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU's smallest member state : Vol. 2Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel
2016L-Oratorju Qalb ta' Gesù tal-Mosta : bl-istorja u l-istejjer tiegħuVassallo, Mario Thomas
2015The Europeanisation of Maltese interest groups : a comparative study after the first decade of EU membershipVassallo, Mario Thomas; Pace, Roderick; University of Malta. Institute for European Studies
2015The Europeanization of interest groups in Malta and Ireland : a small state perspectiveVassallo, Mario Thomas
2015Introduzzjoni analitika : in-nisrani għad għandu postu fil-ħajja pubblika llumVassallo, Mario Thomas
2014The Europeanisation of civil society : the case of MaltaVassallo, Mario Thomas
2012Interest representation in Malta : identifying features of EuropeanisationVassallo, Mario Thomas
2012Researching governance, politics and public affairs from a Maltese perspectiveVassallo, Mario Thomas
2012Public life in Malta : essays on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU's smallest member state : Vol. 1Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2011IntroduzzjoniVassallo, Mario Thomas
2011Il-loġika tal-konsegwenzi fil-politika : introduzzjoni għal manifest ta’ politiku li jemmenVassallo, Mario Thomas
2011IntroduzzjoniVassallo, Mario Thomas
2010DaħlaVassallo, Mario Thomas
2010IntroduzzjoniVassallo, Mario Thomas
2009The impact of small states' lobbying in the European UnionVassallo, Mario Thomas
2009‘Bħal Pilatu fil-Kredu’ : Knisja li tħares 'il barra mhux 'il ġewwaVassallo, Mario Thomas
2009DaħlaVassallo, Mario Thomas
2008Imut papa u jilħaq ieħorVassallo, Mario Thomas
2008Il-kliem ta’ nisel Ingliż fil-MaltiVassallo, Mario Thomas
1999Unifying scattered community initiativesVassallo, Mario Thomas

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