Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024 | Public life in Malta IV : papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU’s smallest member state | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel |
2024 | When elitism and populism clash : introducing the fourth volume [Analytical introduction] | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel |
2023 | How civil society organizations brought change to the Maltese government between 2019 and 2020 | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Cachia, Jean Claude; DeBattista, André P. |
2023 | Daħla [Il-qawwa tal-kelma : ir-retorika politika] | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2023 | Il-qawwa tal-kelma : ir-retorika politika | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Spagnol, Michael |
2022 | Subtle or irreverent : the political lyrics of Maltese kantawturi | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2022 | Mobilising the masses through music and songs : the global phenomenon of music and politics | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2022 | Engaging with the EU policy-making | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2022 | Civil society | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2022 | 90 Village band clubs : a Maltese socio-political phenomenon | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2022 | Mapping out cross-sectoral collaboration and multi-level governance within single use plastic policy : an analysis | Cassar, Clinton; Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2022 | Il-poter tal-kelma : politika u letteratura f'Oliver Friggieri | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Spagnol, Michael |
2022 | Ilsien il-Malti fuq il-politika : qwiel u idjomi mill-università tat-triq | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2021-10 | Cross-sectoral collaboration within multi-level governance : the case of single-use plastic policy in Malta | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Cassar, Clinton |
2021 | Politics and power in Maltese proverbs and idioms | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2021 | Godfrey Pirotta : il-politika ta' ħajti | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2021 | Kollox politika? : governanza, reliġjon, ekonomija u amministrazzjoni pubblika | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2021 | Karattri u rakkonti mir-raħal u mis-safar | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2021 | Sehem il-każini tal-banda fil-mixja politika u soċjali tal-poplu Malti | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2020-12 | Predictors of employment outcomes among Filipino workers in Malta | Debono, Manwel; Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2020 | Political, economic and social transformations in the time of a pandemic | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel |
2020 | Domestic and European response to irregular migration : Malta’s moral dilemma 2002-2016 | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Cachia, Jean Claude |
2020 | Labouring behind closed doors : the working and living conditions of Filipino live-in care workers in Malta | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Debono, Manwel |
2020 | Public life in Malta III : papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU’s smallest member state | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel |
2019-09 | An analysis of working conditions of Filipinos in Malta | Debono, Manwel; Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2018 | Democratic governance in the digital age | Thake, Anne Marie; Micallef, Robert; Pirotta, Godfrey; Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2017 | Politics and music : the Maltese experience | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2017 | An introduction to public life in a small island state | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel |
2017 | Epilogu | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2017 | Public life in Malta : papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU's smallest member state : Vol. 2 | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Tabone, Carmel |
2016 | L-Oratorju Qalb ta' Gesù tal-Mosta : bl-istorja u l-istejjer tiegħu | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2015 | The Europeanisation of Maltese interest groups : a comparative study after the first decade of EU membership | Vassallo, Mario Thomas; Pace, Roderick; University of Malta. Institute for European Studies |
2015 | The Europeanization of interest groups in Malta and Ireland : a small state perspective | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2015 | Introduzzjoni analitika : in-nisrani għad għandu postu fil-ħajja pubblika llum | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2014 | The Europeanisation of civil society : the case of Malta | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2012 | Interest representation in Malta : identifying features of Europeanisation | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2012 | Researching governance, politics and public affairs from a Maltese perspective | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2012 | Public life in Malta : essays on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU's smallest member state : Vol. 1 | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2011 | Introduzzjoni | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2011 | Il-loġika tal-konsegwenzi fil-politika : introduzzjoni għal manifest ta’ politiku li jemmen | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2011 | Introduzzjoni | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2010 | Daħla | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2010 | Introduzzjoni | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2009 | The impact of small states' lobbying in the European Union | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2009 | ‘Bħal Pilatu fil-Kredu’ : Knisja li tħares 'il barra mhux 'il ġewwa | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2009 | Daħla | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2008 | Imut papa u jilħaq ieħor | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
2008 | Il-kliem ta’ nisel Ingliż fil-Malti | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |
1999 | Unifying scattered community initiatives | Vassallo, Mario Thomas |