Browsing by Author Xerri, Daniel (Peer-reviewed)

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Showing results 1 to 122 of 122
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025An investigation into teachers' perceptions of their wellbeing in the ELT sector in MaltaCortis, Louise; Xerri, Daniel
2025Understanding aviation English course design and delivery through qualitative researchFalzon, Nicole; Xerri, Daniel
2025Disseminating your action research : a practical guide to sharing the results of practitioner research [Book review]Xerri, Daniel
2024Developing employees’ critical thinking skills in Malta : evaluating a hypothetical business proposalXerri, Daniel
2024Capitalising on observation in researching the poetry classroomXerri, Daniel
2024Will generative AI kill off the coursebook?Davis, Savannah; Xerri, Daniel
2024Prompt engineering in language education : a practical guideXerri, Daniel
2024“Poetry is on its way back up” : a spoken word performer’s contribution to young people’s engagement with poetryXerri, Daniel
2024English language teachers’ mindsets about their teaching competencies : a Maltese case studyPęcak, Angelika; Xerri, Daniel
2024English language teachers' experiences of transitioning to emergency remote teaching in MaltaCalleja, Rebecca; Xerri, Daniel
2024Examining the pedagogical value of collaborative multimodal storytelling projectsStroia, Armanda R.; Xerri, Daniel
2024(Dis)empowering native speakers? Teachers’ perceptions in MaltaBlock, Josianne; Xerri, Daniel
2024Finding a language that works for them : Gerald Dawe on young people’s engagement with poetryXerri, Daniel
2024‘Teaching poetry is like having a liquor store on a busy corner’ : an interview with Robert PinskyXerri, Daniel
2024Technology and English language teaching in a changing world : a practical guide for teachers and teacher educators [Book review]Xerri, Daniel
2024“Children owning the language” : the hands up project in PalestineXerri, Daniel
2024Problematising the contribution of entrepreneurship and innovation to Malta’s socio-economic developmentXerri, Daniel
2023Introduction : confluence, connections and a call to action in early English educationValente, David; Xerri, Daniel
2023The implementation of a CPD policy in the TESOL sector in MaltaXerri, Daniel
2023Innovative practices in early English language educationValente, David; Xerri, Daniel
2022How can teachers best be encouraged to engage with research – published and their own practitioner inquiry?Xerri, Daniel
2021Assessing teacher discourse in a pre-service spoken English proficiency test in MaltaVassallo, Odette; Xerri, Daniel; Jonk, Larissa
2021Teacher research engagementXerri, Daniel
2020English for 21st century skillsMavridi, Sophia; Xerri, Daniel
2020ELT research in action : bringing together two communities of practiceMackay, Jessica; Birello, Marilisa; Xerri, Daniel
2020Introduction [English for 21st century skills]Mavridi, Sophia; Xerri, Daniel
2020Developing students’ leadership skillsXerri, Daniel
2020[Book review] Thinking skills and creativity in second language education : case studies from international perspectivesXerri, Daniel
2019Developing teachers’ conceptions of researchXerri, Daniel
2019Foreword [Teaching literature and language through multimodal texts]Xerri, Daniel
2019Researching teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2019A TESOL practicum in MaltaXerri, Daniel
2019Is travel the midwife of thought?Xerri, Daniel
2019Feature films in English language teaching [Book Review]Xerri, Daniel
2018It’s a many splendored thing : reconceptualising teacher creativityXerri, Daniel
2018ELT research in action : bridging the gap between research and classroom practiceMackay, Jessica; Birello, Marilisa; Xerri, Daniel
2018‘Research by teachers for teachers’ : Richard Smith on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2018'It's poetry, not drama!' : The value of performing poetryXerri, Daniel
2018Foreword : research literacy : supporting teacher research in English language teaching : special supplement IIXerri, Daniel
2018Two methodological challenges for teacher-researchers : reflexivity and trustworthinessXerri, Daniel
2018The use of interviews and focus groups in teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2018Foreword : research literacy : supporting teacher research in English language teaching : special supplement IIIXerri, Daniel
2018‘Generating knowledge for themselves’: Kathleen Graves on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2018Introduction [Teacher involvement in high-stakes language testing]Xerri, Daniel; Vella Briffa, Patricia
2018Conclusion [Teacher involvement in high-stakes language testing]Vella Briffa, Patricia; Xerri, Daniel
2018Poetry teaching in Malta : the interplay between teachers' beliefs and practicesXerri, Daniel
2018Dark and literary : a tour to the Isle of the DeadXerri, Daniel
2018Teacher involvement in high-stakes language testingXerri, Daniel; Vella Briffa, Patricia
2018Engaging teachers and students with writing's quantum of poetry : Australia's Red Room PoetryXerri, Daniel
2018Teaching English in a multilingual classroom : addressing challenges through teacher education and developmentXerri, Daniel
2018Becoming research literate : supporting teacher research in English language teachingXerri, Daniel; Pioquinto, Ceres
2017Testing pre-service teachers' spoken English proficiencyVassallo, Odette; Xerri, Daniel; Grech, Sarah
2017Mountain climbing in the poetry classroom in Malta : teaching a Stevens metapoemXerri, Daniel
2017Poetry education research as an anchorage of thought : using poetry as interview stimulus materialXerri, Daniel
2017When ‘home is the mouth of a shark’ : understanding migration through the use of multicultural poetryXerri, Daniel
2017Sustainable development goal 4 : ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for allXerri, Daniel
2017The image in English language teachingDonaghy, Kieran; Xerri, Daniel
2017Using questionnaires in teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2017‘Breaking boulders into pebbles’ : Christine Coombe on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2017‘A classroom is a centre of inquiry in all its forms’ : Thomas S. C. Farrell on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2017Foreword : research literacy : supporting teacher research in English language teaching : special supplement IXerri, Daniel
2017“Help them understand the complexity, the difficulties and the pleasures of creative writing” : children’s author Libby Gleeson on creativity in educationXerri, Daniel
2017Inspiring young people to be creative : Northern Ireland’s poetry in motion for schoolsXerri, Daniel
2017In imitation of Hockney : the value of teacher versatilityXerri, Daniel
2017‘Teachers want to know answers to questions’ : Dudley Reynolds on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2017The image in ELT : an introductionDonaghy, Kieran; Xerri, Daniel
2017Teachers’ beliefs and literature teaching : the case of poetryXerri, Daniel
2017'The mother tongue of the human race' : entrenched conceptions of poetry and their resonances in English educationXerri, Daniel
2017Split personality/unified identity : being a teacher-researcherXerri, Daniel
2017Promoting creativity through teacher trainingXerri, Daniel
2017Teacher-designed, high-stakes English language testing : washback and impactXerri, Daniel; Vella Briffa, Patricia
2017Combating voice poverty through spoken word poetry : an interview with Candy RoyalleXerri, Daniel
2016Creativity in ELT : an introductionXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2016A teacher’s experiences highlighted by a stimulus poemXerri, Daniel
2016Creativity in English language teachingXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2016Learning versus studying : a false dichotomyXerri, Daniel
2016How to be a radical educator in an epoch of incredulityXerri, Daniel
2016Igniting young people's creativity : the Sydney story factoryXerri, Daniel
2016Creative language teachers as bridge builders : the value of bisociative thinkingXerri, Daniel
2016‘Poetry does really educate’ : an interview with spoken word poet Luka LessonXerri, Daniel
2016Teacher involvement in high-stakes testingXerri, Daniel; Vella Briffa, Patricia
2016Teaching and learning English in a multicultural classroom : strategies and opportunitiesXerri, Daniel
2016‘We need to demystify poetry’ : an Interview with David MusgraveXerri, Daniel
2016E-portfolios in teacher development : the better option?Xerri, Daniel; Campbell, Caroline
2016‘Poems look like a mathematical equation’ : assessment in poetry educationXerri, Daniel
2016‘Living in a house without mirrors’ : poetry’s cachet and student engagementXerri, Daniel
2015The learning ELT professional : an introductionXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2015Galvanizing empathy through poetryXerri, Daniel; Xerri Agius, Stephanie
2015The contribution of portfolios to professional development in TESOL : an investigation into teachers’ beliefs and attitudesXerri, Daniel; Campbell, Caroline
2015Word-formation for upper-intermediate level studentsXerri, Daniel
2015The learning ELT professionalXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2015On owing one’s poetic life to inspiring teachers of EnglishXerri, Daniel
2015Implementing teacher portfolios for professional developmentXerri, Daniel; Campbell, Caroline
2015Developing teacher language awareness via in-service training : trainers’ beliefsXerri, Daniel
2015Maximising the value of CLIL through teacher education and developmentXerri, Daniel
2015The value of teacher portfolios for professional development in TESOLXerri, Daniel
2015Countering the hegemonic English curriculum : intercultural competence through poetryXerri, Daniel
2014The poetry of cities : on discovering poems in Istanbul, Sarajevo, and BratislavaXerri, Daniel
2014Schools as “poetry-friendly places” : Michael Rosen on poetry in the curriculumXerri, Daniel
2014“Poetry is a tremendous ally” : children’s poet Michael Rosen on teachers’ attitudes toward poetryXerri, Daniel
2014English teachers positioning themselves as poetsXerri, Daniel
2014Cross-pollination in teacher developmentXerri, Daniel
2014Teachers’ use of social networking sites for continuing professional developmentXerri, Daniel
2014Case study I : critical reading and student engagement with poetryXerri, Daniel
2014PLN : teachers’ use of social media for professional developmentXerri, Daniel
2013Colluding in the ‘torture’ of poetry : shared beliefs and assessmentXerri, Daniel
2013Explicating an English speaking examination : challenges and considerationsVella Briffa, Patricia; Xerri, Daniel
2013The role of personal learning networks in teachers' professional developmentXerri, Daniel
2013Symposium on the creation of a culture of readingXerri, Daniel; McGraw, Rhoda; Esteves, Vanessa; Campbell, Robert; Brierley, Mark
2013Poetry writing in the post-16 English curriculumXerri, Daniel
2013‘Dissecting butterflies’ : literary theory and poetry teaching in post-16 educationXerri, Daniel
2012The use of authentic texts with postgraduate studentsXerri, Daniel
2012Poetry on the subway : an interview with children's poet John RiceXerri, Daniel
2012The use of literature in ELTXerri, Daniel; Xerri Agius, Stephanie
2012Multicultural poetry in ELT : benefits, challenges and strategiesXerri, Daniel
2012The multimodal approach to using poetry in ELTXerri, Daniel
2012Experimenting with Dogme in a mainstream ESL contextXerri, Daniel
2012Poetry teaching and multimodality : theory into practiceXerri, Daniel
2011Shared writing via contemporary poetryXerri, Daniel
2010High stakes English testing : factors contributing to candidates’ performanceXerri, Daniel
2010Seamus Heaney's early work : poetic responsibility and the TroublesXerri, Daniel
2010Ted Hughes' art of healingXerri, Daniel

Expand list of publications (including grey literature and non-peer reviewed publications)