Browsing by Author Munro, Dane

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Showing results 1 to 62 of 62
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-11Covering the streets of Valletta. Curbing UV and urban heat.Munro, Dane
2023Religious food consumption in the sacred island of MaltaButtigieg, Noel; Munro, Dane
2023Lourdes : town of prayer and divine foodMunro, Dane
2023[Editorial] Introduction to Food and the pilgrim : nourishment for pilgrims and faith-based touristsMunro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel; Olsen, Daniel H.
2023[Introduction] Developing new religious pilgrimage routes and trailsOlsen, Daniel H.; Munro, Dane; McIntosh, Ian S.
2023Saving ourselves and saving the Earth : new circular pilgrimages routes in the NetherlandsMunro, Dane
2023MEMENTO MORI. Die kriegstoten der Familien Bochsler / Boxler in mehr als 700 jahrenBoxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2023Special issue : Sacred journeys : religious tourism and pilgrimage volume IICo Sy Su, Chadwick; McIntosh, Ian; Munro, Dane
2023Religious tourism in Malta between politics, policies and private enterpriseMunro, Dane
2023Food and the pilgrim. Nourishment for pilgrims and faith-based touristsMunro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel; Olsen, Daniel H.
2023Memento Mori : the war victims of the families Bochsler / Boxler in over 700 yearsBoxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2023Peregrinatio interrupta : an eclectic success of a failed pilgrimageButtigieg, Noel; Munro, Dane
2022A semi-autoethnographical account of the Order of Malta’s annual pilgrimage to LourdesMunro, Dane
2021-10Open letter to His Holiness Pope Frances regarding the historical justification of the canonisation of the Blessed GerardMunro, Dane
2021-02Modern full-sensory experiences and pilgrimage fulfilment in Malta’s ancient templesMunro, Dane
2021Pilgrimage and beyond : going places, far and awayMunro, Dane; McIntosh, Ian S.; Sy Su, Chadwick Co
2021Pilgrim coaches : a new phenomenonMunro, Dane
2021The winning narrative : the social genesis of pilgrimage sitesHaller, Stephen F.; Munro, Dane
2021Covid-19 and empty meeting groundsButtigieg, Noel; Munro, Dane
2020Editorial : conference proceedings, niche market formation for faith-based tourismMunro, Dane
2020New directions in sacred journeys researchMcIntosh, Ian; Schlee, Claudia; Munro, Dane
2020The sublime darker heritage tourism aspects at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta, MaltaMunro, Dane
2020Encoding and interpreting Neolithic sites : world heritage temples in MaltaMunro, Dane; Avellino, Marie
2020Malta and faith-based tourism : stocktaking and future perspectivesMunro, Dane
2020Stereotyping the enemy : Turcica at St John'sMunro, Dane
2020Introduction [Peace journeys : a new direction in religious tourism and pilgrimage research]Munro, Dane; McIntosh, Ian C.; Farra Haddad, Nour
2020Encoding and interpreting neolithic sites : world heritage temples in MaltaAvellino, Marie; Munro, Dane
2019-11Memoria as mirror : the shifting self image of the Hospitallers Order of Malta over the agesMunro, Dane;
2019In defense of the pure pilgrim : De Re Defensionibus Peregrini CastioriHaller, Stephen F.; Munro, Dane
2019Managing St John’s – working for the greater GoodMunro, Dane
2019Managing Catholic churches and sacred sites for protestant visitors to MaltaMunro, Dane
2019A short case study of two German knights von KönigseggMunro, Dane
2019A Pauline progress : protestant post-pilgrimage reflectionsMunro, Dane
2018The Holy Grail Trail of Malta : a fantastic interpretationMunro, Dane
2018The struggle for supremacy : the Mediterranean world in 1453 and beyondCassar, George; Munro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel
2018The journey in this bookMunro, Dane
2018Epilogue [The struggle for supremacy : the Mediterranean world in 1453 and beyond]Munro, Dane
2018A risky delight : the dangers of being a participant in a Maltese festaCassar, George; Munro, Dane
2017Introduction : walking the worldMunro, Dane; Carspecken, Lucinda; McIntosh, Ian
2017Historical perspectives of shifting motives for faith-based travelMunro, Dane
2017An introduction to the times of Blessed GerardMunro, Dane
2017Contextualising fulfilment in faith-based tourism to Malta within the pilgrim-tourist dichotomyMunro, Dane
2017Lokale Entwicklungen heraldischer Trends bei polychromen Marmorintarsien in der Grabmalskunst des Johanniterordens in der Konventskirche St John in Valletta, MaltaMunro, Dane
2016Malta : a differentiated approach to the pilgrim-tourist dichotomyMunro, Dane; Cassar, George
2015The road to Jerusalem : the Amalfitan Hospice in Jerusalem in its earliest stage until the First CrusadeMunro, Dane
2014Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johann Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 [Fortsetzung] (5)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2013Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johann Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 [Fortsetzung] (4)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2012Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johann Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 [Fortsetzung] (3)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2012Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johann Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 [Fortsetzung] (2)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2011Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johan Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 (1)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2011Sea heroes of the Dutch and Maltese fleetsMunro, Dane
2009On the patronage of the OrderMunro, Dane
2008St John’s Conventual Church in Valletta, Malta: the dynamism of a church floorMunro, Dane
2008The Teutonic OrderMunro, Dane
2007The importance of conserving originality : the editing of neo-latin Baroque textsMunro, Dane
2007The importance of conserving originality in the editing of Neo-Latin Baroque textMunro, Dane
2006Die Johannitergrablegen in der St Johns Co-Cathedral von Valletta auf MaltaMunro, Dane
2006Translation of 'Die Johannitergrablegen in der St Johns Co-Cathedral von Valletta auf Malta' : introduction to Memento Mori, a companion to the most beautiful floor in the worldMunro, Dane
2005-05Memento Mori, a companion to the most beautiful floor in the worldMunro, Dane
2005Introduction [Memento Mori : a companion to the most beautiful floor in the world]Munro, Dane
2004Memento mori and vanitas elements in the funerary art at St John'sMunro, Dane
2002-08A re-edition and translation into English of the monumental inscriptions found at the nave of St John's Co-Cathedral (Valletta, Malta), including introduction, full commentary and indicesMunro, Dane