Browsing by Author Xerri, Daniel

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Showing results 1 to 248 of 248
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Why should school leaders develop emotional intelligence?Xerri, Daniel
2025An investigation into teachers' perceptions of their wellbeing in the ELT sector in MaltaCortis, Louise; Xerri, Daniel
2025Critical thinking as a cornerstone of a human-centred mindset towards AI useXerri, Daniel
2025Disseminating your action research : a practical guide to sharing the results of practitioner research [Book review]Xerri, Daniel
2024Shilly-shallying on conservation areas endangers divers and damages industryAgius, David; Xerri, Daniel
2024Bend over, here it comes againXerri, Daniel
2024What a waste of spaceXerri, Daniel
2024Welding motivation and innovation through a language teacher association’s strategy statementXerri, Daniel
2024Developing employees’ critical thinking skills in Malta : evaluating a hypothetical business proposalXerri, Daniel
2024No one’s ego is worth more than the literary industryXerri, Daniel; Hudson, David Samuel
2024What do school leaders need to know about effective leadership?Xerri, Daniel
2024Unexpected detours and a sinister anniversaryXerri, Daniel
2024Capitalising on observation in researching the poetry classroomXerri, Daniel
2024How can school leaders enhance teamwork?Xerri, Daniel
2024Art that oscillates between the poetic and the politicalXerri, Daniel; Borg, Trevor
2024How can school leaders navigate organisational politics?Xerri, Daniel
2024What can school leaders learn from leadership styles?Xerri, Daniel
2024Will generative AI kill off the coursebook?Davis, Savannah; Xerri, Daniel
2024Prompt engineering in language education : a practical guideXerri, Daniel
2024“Poetry is on its way back up” : a spoken word performer’s contribution to young people’s engagement with poetryXerri, Daniel
2024Why is knowledge of organisational behaviour important?Xerri, Daniel
2024English language teachers’ mindsets about their teaching competencies : a Maltese case studyPęcak, Angelika; Xerri, Daniel
2024English language teachers' experiences of transitioning to emergency remote teaching in MaltaCalleja, Rebecca; Xerri, Daniel
2024'Like being chased by a train' : School leaders' experiences of burnoutXerri, Daniel
2024Examining the pedagogical value of collaborative multimodal storytelling projectsStroia, Armanda R.; Xerri, Daniel
2024(Dis)empowering native speakers? Teachers’ perceptions in MaltaBlock, Josianne; Xerri, Daniel
2024Finding a language that works for them : Gerald Dawe on young people’s engagement with poetryXerri, Daniel
2024‘Teaching poetry is like having a liquor store on a busy corner’ : an interview with Robert PinskyXerri, Daniel
2024Robert Pinsky on teaching and censoring poetryXerri, Daniel
2024Technology and English language teaching in a changing world : a practical guide for teachers and teacher educators [Book review]Xerri, Daniel
2024Muzzling educatorsXerri, Daniel
2024“Children owning the language” : the hands up project in PalestineXerri, Daniel
2024Problematising the contribution of entrepreneurship and innovation to Malta’s socio-economic developmentXerri, Daniel
2023Introduction : confluence, connections and a call to action in early English educationValente, David; Xerri, Daniel
2023The implementation of a CPD policy in the TESOL sector in MaltaXerri, Daniel
2023Knowledge foundations for research-engaged language teachers : part 1Xerri, Daniel
2023Knowledge foundations for research-engaged language teachers : part 2Xerri, Daniel
2023Knowledge foundations for research-engaged language teachers : part 3Xerri, Daniel
2023Shipwrecks of MaltaXerri, Daniel
2023We’re a nation of dilettantesXerri, Daniel
2023Let young people go divingXerri, Daniel
2023Supporting teacher educators : insights from the British Council’s workXerri, Daniel; Borg, Simon
2023The awe factor in divingXerri, Daniel
2023A celebration of readersXerri, Daniel
2023Seeing beauty in a dumpster fireXerri, Daniel
2023The tuna industry’s greenwashing tacticsXerri, Daniel
2023Critical voices, witch hunts and gatekeepersXerri, Daniel; Vella, Mark
2023The criticality in public broadcastingXerri, Daniel
2023Sheeple worshipping goldXerri, Daniel
2023Misguided expert evidence in diving fatality court caseXerri, Daniel
2023Diving safety in fish farmingXerri, Daniel
2023Diving : where's the action?Agius, David; Xerri, Daniel
2023Bricks of cash and foolish happinessXerri, Daniel
2023The inconvenience of treesXerri, Daniel
2023The joys of wreck-divingXerri, Daniel
2023Look how successful I am!Xerri, Daniel
2023Morbid voyeurismXerri, Daniel
2023The islands awash with cocaineXerri, Daniel
2023The human cost of Malta's traffic fiascoXerri, Daniel
2023Mediterranean Symposium in ELTXerri, Daniel
2023Innovative practices in early English language educationValente, David; Xerri, Daniel
2022A dangerous precedent for diversXerri, Daniel
2022How can teachers best be encouraged to engage with research – published and their own practitioner inquiry?Xerri, Daniel
2022Five ways to become a better diverXerri, Daniel
2022Diving damaged by verdictXerri, Daniel
2022Current Issues in Teaching & Learning English (1)Xerri, Daniel
2021Assessing teacher discourse in a pre-service spoken English proficiency test in MaltaVassallo, Odette; Xerri, Daniel; Jonk, Larissa
2021Teacher research engagementXerri, Daniel
2021Future-proof competencies : the soft skills students need for employmentXerri, Daniel
2021How to research your classroom : practices and professional identityXerri, Daniel
2020English for 21st century skillsMavridi, Sophia; Xerri, Daniel
2020ELT research in action : bringing together two communities of practiceMackay, Jessica; Birello, Marilisa; Xerri, Daniel
2020Introduction [English for 21st century skills]Mavridi, Sophia; Xerri, Daniel
2020Developing students’ leadership skillsXerri, Daniel
2020Entrepreneurship education in ELTXerri, Daniel
2020[Book review] Thinking skills and creativity in second language education : case studies from international perspectivesXerri, Daniel
2020TESOL Spain 43rd Convention Salamanca 2020 - Closing PlenaryXerri, Daniel
2020ExcitELT 2019: Creativity EducationXerri, Daniel
2020How can teacher educators encourage teachers to engage with research?Xerri, Daniel
2019Developing teachers’ conceptions of researchXerri, Daniel
2019Exercise as a form of professional supportXerri, Daniel
2019Facilitating public access to learningXerri, Daniel
2019Foreword [Teaching literature and language through multimodal texts]Xerri, Daniel
2019Researching teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2019A TESOL practicum in MaltaXerri, Daniel
2019Is travel the midwife of thought?Xerri, Daniel
2019Innovative entrepreneurship in ELTXerri, Daniel
2019Learning English in MaltaXerri, Daniel
2019Feature films in English language teaching [Book Review]Xerri, Daniel
2018It’s a many splendored thing : reconceptualising teacher creativityXerri, Daniel
2018Teachers as lighthouse keepersXerri, Daniel
2018True gritXerri, Daniel
2018ELT research in action : bridging the gap between research and classroom practiceMackay, Jessica; Birello, Marilisa; Xerri, Daniel
2018The beauty of failure and disappointmentXerri, Daniel
2018‘Research by teachers for teachers’ : Richard Smith on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2018'It's poetry, not drama!' : The value of performing poetryXerri, Daniel
2018Foreword : research literacy : supporting teacher research in English language teaching : special supplement IIXerri, Daniel
2018Two methodological challenges for teacher-researchers : reflexivity and trustworthinessXerri, Daniel
2018The use of interviews and focus groups in teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2018Foreword : research literacy : supporting teacher research in English language teaching : special supplement IIIXerri, Daniel
2018‘Generating knowledge for themselves’: Kathleen Graves on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2018Introduction [Teacher involvement in high-stakes language testing]Xerri, Daniel; Vella Briffa, Patricia
2018Conclusion [Teacher involvement in high-stakes language testing]Vella Briffa, Patricia; Xerri, Daniel
2018Enhancing creativity via teacher educationXerri, Daniel
2018Poetry teaching in Malta : the interplay between teachers' beliefs and practicesXerri, Daniel
2018The ghosts of teachers past : finding one’s voice as a teacherXerri, Daniel
2018‘Beyond monolithic thinking and practices in ELT’ : Daniel Xerri on teacher researchMcCulloch, Hannah; Xerri, Daniel
2018An interview with Daniel XerriPapageorgiou, Vicky; Xerri, Daniel
2018Doing research to find answers to your questionsMercer, Sarah; Xerri, Daniel
2018Teacher creativity in materials writingXerri, Daniel
2018Reflective spaces for English language teachersXerri, Daniel
2018Building empathy toward migrants via poetryXerri, Daniel
2018Where next for teacher-research? Panel discussionXerri, Daniel
2018Dark and literary : a tour to the Isle of the DeadXerri, Daniel
2018Teacher involvement in high-stakes language testingXerri, Daniel; Vella Briffa, Patricia
2018Engaging teachers and students with writing's quantum of poetry : Australia's Red Room PoetryXerri, Daniel
2018Teaching English in a multilingual classroom : addressing challenges through teacher education and developmentXerri, Daniel
2018Becoming research literate : supporting teacher research in English language teachingXerri, Daniel; Pioquinto, Ceres
2018Daniel Xerri : teachers associations provide educators with a professional home. There is far more THAT unites us than divides us.Duka Zupanc, Lana; Xerri, Daniel
2017Testing pre-service teachers' spoken English proficiencyVassallo, Odette; Xerri, Daniel; Grech, Sarah
2017School leaders as architects of changeXerri, Daniel
2017Teacher research as creative disruptionXerri, Daniel
2017Mountain climbing in the poetry classroom in Malta : teaching a Stevens metapoemXerri, Daniel
2017Poetry education research as an anchorage of thought : using poetry as interview stimulus materialXerri, Daniel
2017When ‘home is the mouth of a shark’ : understanding migration through the use of multicultural poetryXerri, Daniel
2017Sustainable development goal 4 : ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for allXerri, Daniel
2017Battling inequity : what can two Harvard dropouts teach educators?Xerri, Daniel
2017English teaching confessionalXerri, Daniel
2017Disrupting educationXerri, Daniel
2017How to reflect on research talks at a conferenceXerri, Daniel; Mercer, Sarah
2017The image in English language teachingDonaghy, Kieran; Xerri, Daniel
2017Using questionnaires in teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2017‘Breaking boulders into pebbles’ : Christine Coombe on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2017‘A classroom is a centre of inquiry in all its forms’ : Thomas S. C. Farrell on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2017Foreword : research literacy : supporting teacher research in English language teaching : special supplement IXerri, Daniel
2017“Help them understand the complexity, the difficulties and the pleasures of creative writing” : children’s author Libby Gleeson on creativity in educationXerri, Daniel
2017Inspiring young people to be creative : Northern Ireland’s poetry in motion for schoolsXerri, Daniel
2017In imitation of Hockney : the value of teacher versatilityXerri, Daniel
2017‘Teachers want to know answers to questions’ : Dudley Reynolds on teacher researchXerri, Daniel
2017The image in ELT : an introductionDonaghy, Kieran; Xerri, Daniel
2017Teachers’ beliefs and literature teaching : the case of poetryXerri, Daniel
2017'The mother tongue of the human race' : entrenched conceptions of poetry and their resonances in English educationXerri, Daniel
2017Myriad views on creativityXerri, Daniel
2017Teacher creativity as combinatory playXerri, Daniel
2017Teachers as readers and writers of poetry : a workshopXerri, Daniel
2017Enjoyment and understanding? Poetry pedagogy for student engagementXerri, Daniel
2017The teacher featureXerri, Daniel
2017Mehr Licht! Why publish poetry in unexpected places?Xerri, Daniel
2017Teacher research : what is in it for teachers and how can teacher educators help?Ončevska Ager, Elena; Xerri, Daniel
2017Business English in MaltaXerri, Daniel
2017The Great Mannequin WarehouseXerri, Daniel
2017IATEFL Research SIGXerri, Daniel; Mercer, Sarah
2017Question time : specialised schools : what are the effects of having more English language students?Xerri, Daniel; Comodini Cachia, Therese
2017A shared research journeyXerri Agius, Stephanie; Xerri, Daniel
2017Trusting teacher intuitionXerri, Daniel
2017Split personality/unified identity : being a teacher-researcherXerri, Daniel
2017Promoting creativity through teacher trainingXerri, Daniel
2017Teacher-designed, high-stakes English language testing : washback and impactXerri, Daniel; Vella Briffa, Patricia
2017Combating voice poverty through spoken word poetry : an interview with Candy RoyalleXerri, Daniel
2016Primed for the global industry : the challenge of teaching English to speakers of other languagesXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette; Grech, Sarah
2016Creativity in ELT : an introductionXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2016Worrying about languageGrech, Sarah; Vassallo, Odette; Xerri, Daniel
2016A teacher’s experiences highlighted by a stimulus poemXerri, Daniel
2016Creativity in English language teachingXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2016Developing vocabulary proficiencyCampbell, Caroline; Xerri, Daniel
2016High stakes English language testingXerri, Daniel
2016Creativity in ELT researchSaleem, Mehvish; Tezak, Katja; Mercer, Sarah; Xerri, Daniel
2016Learning versus studying : a false dichotomyXerri, Daniel
2016How to be a radical educator in an epoch of incredulityXerri, Daniel
2016Igniting young people's creativity : the Sydney story factoryXerri, Daniel
2016Creative language teachers as bridge builders : the value of bisociative thinkingXerri, Daniel
2016‘Poetry does really educate’ : an interview with spoken word poet Luka LessonXerri, Daniel
2016Teacher involvement in high-stakes testingXerri, Daniel; Vella Briffa, Patricia
2016Teaching and learning English in a multicultural classroom : strategies and opportunitiesXerri, Daniel
2016Foreword [I don't like studying]Xerri, Daniel
2016When poetry is locked outXerri, Daniel
2016The significance of creative writing workshops for teachersXerri, Daniel
2016The case for multimodal learning and teachingXerri, Daniel
2016Boosting assessment literacy through teacher involvementXerri, Daniel
2016Teacher creativityXerri, Daniel
2016How a good language test can support effective learning : putting learning, teaching and assessment togetherXerri, Daniel
2016English for innovationXerri, Daniel
2016Creative and personal responses to literary texts in ELTXerri, Daniel
2016‘We need to demystify poetry’ : an Interview with David MusgraveXerri, Daniel
2016Writing informal correspondence in the primary classroomXerri, Daniel
2016E-portfolios in teacher development : the better option?Xerri, Daniel; Campbell, Caroline
2016‘Poems look like a mathematical equation’ : assessment in poetry educationXerri, Daniel
2016‘Living in a house without mirrors’ : poetry’s cachet and student engagementXerri, Daniel
2016Embedding improvisation in teacher educationXerri, Daniel
2016The importance of poetry with Daniel XerriCommunity Arts Project; Xerri, Daniel
2016A shared research journeyXerri, Daniel; Xerri Agius, Stephanie
2016Teacher language awarenessXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2015The learning ELT professional : an introductionXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2015Galvanizing empathy through poetryXerri, Daniel; Xerri Agius, Stephanie
2015The contribution of portfolios to professional development in TESOL : an investigation into teachers’ beliefs and attitudesXerri, Daniel; Campbell, Caroline
2015Developing effective reading strategies in the ESOL classroomXerri, Daniel
2015Word-formation for upper-intermediate level studentsXerri, Daniel
2015The learning ELT professionalXerri, Daniel; Vassallo, Odette
2015On owing one’s poetic life to inspiring teachers of EnglishXerri, Daniel
2015Implementing teacher portfolios for professional developmentXerri, Daniel; Campbell, Caroline
2015On teachers’ creative lifeXerri, Daniel
2015Poetry lessonsXerri, Daniel
2015Dissoi Logoi : fostering cognitive dissonance through teacher developmentXerri, Daniel
2015L-ilsien Ingliż tagħna wkollGauci Cunningham, Albert; Xerri, Daniel
2015Teaching is speakingXerri, Daniel
2015Developing teacher language awareness via in-service training : trainers’ beliefsXerri, Daniel
2015Maximising the value of CLIL through teacher education and developmentXerri, Daniel
2015The value of teacher portfolios for professional development in TESOLXerri, Daniel
2015Attitudes, beliefs and practices in poetry education at a post-secondary school in MaltaXerri, Daniel
2015Grappling with the present perfectXerri, Daniel
2015Countering the hegemonic English curriculum : intercultural competence through poetryXerri, Daniel
2014The poetry of cities : on discovering poems in Istanbul, Sarajevo, and BratislavaXerri, Daniel
2014Schools as “poetry-friendly places” : Michael Rosen on poetry in the curriculumXerri, Daniel
2014“Poetry is a tremendous ally” : children’s poet Michael Rosen on teachers’ attitudes toward poetryXerri, Daniel
2014Teachers' language awarenessBartolo, Evarist; Xerri, Daniel
2014English teachers positioning themselves as poetsXerri, Daniel
2014Cross-pollination in teacher developmentXerri, Daniel
2014Teachers’ use of social networking sites for continuing professional developmentXerri, Daniel
2014Case study I : critical reading and student engagement with poetryXerri, Daniel
2014PLN : teachers’ use of social media for professional developmentXerri, Daniel
2013Colluding in the ‘torture’ of poetry : shared beliefs and assessmentXerri, Daniel
2013Explicating an English speaking examination : challenges and considerationsVella Briffa, Patricia; Xerri, Daniel
2013The role of personal learning networks in teachers' professional developmentXerri, Daniel
2013Symposium on the creation of a culture of readingXerri, Daniel; McGraw, Rhoda; Esteves, Vanessa; Campbell, Robert; Brierley, Mark
2013ICEF Monitor : Interview with Daniel Xerri, EFL Monitoring Board, Malta, Part 1 of 2Xerri, Daniel
2013ICEF Monitor: Interview with Daniel Xerri, EFL Monitoring Board, Malta, Part 2 of 2Xerri, Daniel
2013Poetry makes language learning engagingBednáriková, Martina; Xerri, Daniel
2013The value of creativity : language teachers as creative practitionersXerri, Daniel
2013Poetry writing in the post-16 English curriculumXerri, Daniel
2013‘Dissecting butterflies’ : literary theory and poetry teaching in post-16 educationXerri, Daniel
2012The use of authentic texts with postgraduate studentsXerri, Daniel
2012Poetry on the subway : an interview with children's poet John RiceXerri, Daniel
2012The use of literature in ELTXerri, Daniel; Xerri Agius, Stephanie
2012Multicultural poetry in ELT : benefits, challenges and strategiesXerri, Daniel
2012The multimodal approach to using poetry in ELTXerri, Daniel
2012Pennac on the tube : revaluing reading to childrenXerri, Daniel
2012Ditching the practice of insularity : the benefits of collaboration for a small language associationXerri, Daniel
2012Experimenting with Dogme in a mainstream ESL contextXerri, Daniel
2012Poetry teaching and multimodality : theory into practiceXerri, Daniel
2011Shared writing via contemporary poetryXerri, Daniel
2011Why collaborate? Associations pooling their knowledge, skills and resourcesXerri, Daniel
2010High stakes English testing : factors contributing to candidates’ performanceXerri, Daniel
2010Seamus Heaney's early work : poetic responsibility and the TroublesXerri, Daniel
2010Ted Hughes' art of healingXerri, Daniel
2009Candidates' performance in the matriculation certificate English examination : an investigationXerri, Daniel
2004Into time and other people : Ted Hughes' art of healingXerri, Daniel
2002The stylized boat : Seamus Heaney, poetic responsibility and the politics of Northern IrelandXerri, Daniel
2001L-arċipelagu tal-GulagXerri, Daniel