Browsing by Subject Hunting -- Malta

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Showing results 80 to 99 of 122 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-04Calling the shotsAzzopardi, Andrew
2008The contest over hunting and trapping in Malta : a study of conflict in policy-makingCamilleri, Mark (2008)
2010EU policy on bird hunting and the polemics surrounding bird hunting : the case of MaltaCamilleri, Greta (2010)
2016The feasibility of sustainable spring hunting in MaltaCortis, Kurt (2016)
2008-02Flights of passion : hunting, ecology and politics in Malta and the MediterraneanFalzon, Mark Anthony
2021The framing of the EU during the spring hunting and divorce referendaInguanez, Ylenia (2021)
2020Hunting : a crime or a pastime?Vella, Erika (2020)
2012Hunting and trapping in Malta : a case study of resistance to EuropeanisationCassar, Daniel (2012)
2012Hunting and trapping in Malta : a case study of resistance to EuropeanisationCassar, Daniel
2012Il-Huttafa : issue 109 : March-April 2012BirdLife Malta
2013Il-Huttafa : issue 118 : September-October 2013BirdLife Malta
1996Il-Huttafa : issue 12 : January-February 1996BirdLife Malta
2014Il-Huttafa : issue 120 : January-February 2014BirdLife Malta
2015Il-Huttafa : issue 126 : January-February 2015BirdLife Malta
2015Il-Huttafa : issue 127 : March-April 2015BirdLife Malta
2015Il-Huttafa : issue 128 : May-June 2015BirdLife Malta
1997Il-Huttafa : issue 19 : March-April 1997BirdLife Malta
1999Il-Huttafa : issue 30 : January-February 1999BirdLife Malta
1999Il-Huttafa : issue 32 : May-June 1999BirdLife Malta
2002Il-Huttafa : issue 50 : May-June 2002BirdLife Malta