Browsing by Subject Knights of Malta -- History

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 167  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-121565 : was it that great?Mallia-Milanes, Victor; Makipere, Tuovi
1999The 1565 Great Siege of Malta and Hipolito Sans's "La Maltea"Cassola, Arnold
2018-09-04250-year-old Dingli Parish church bell restoredThe Malta Independent
2013900 anniversarju tal-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann : ir-rabta ma’ Malta u ma’ San ĠiljanBorg, Andrew
2012Adaptations in hospitaller historiography : an overviewPisani, Paul George
2011The administration of Hospitaller Malta ‘bandi’ and ‘prammatiche’ : 1530 - 1798Muscat, Jonathan (2011)
2011The administration of the Order's bakery : some preliminary observationsButtigieg, Noel
1958The affair of Ostrog : an episode in Malto-Polish relations in the eighteenth centuryCavaliero, Roderick
2007The art of fortress building in Hospitaller MaltaSpiteri, Stephen C.
2008The art of fortress building in Hospitaller MaltaSpiteri, Stephen C.
1995The artistic heritage of Gozo : a study of patronage patterns in a small island communityBuhagiar, Mario
2014The attack on Gozo of 1551 and its effect on the populationCurmi, Luca
2018-05Between valour and ValetteMousu’, Salvator
2016A bibliography of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem (2008-2015)Grima, Nicholas
2013Bil-qala u l-moqdief 2 : program 1Xuereb, Charles
1907Bint il hâchem : ġrajja fil bidu tal Ordni ta S. ĠuannVella, Luigi
2019Book review : Lines of defence : Fortification drawings of the Baroque Age at the National Library of MaltaBianco, Lino
1751Breve relacam do estado prezente da Ilha de Malta escrita em forma de carta em que tambem de alguma sorte se elogia, em primeiro lugar a S. A. Eminentissima, e em segundo a todo aquelle piissimo congresso , que compoem o corpo da S.R., e Illustrissima Milicia de S. Joaõ Jeruzalemitano. Que consagra, dedica, e offerece ao sempre, e por todos os titulos illustre, e preclarissimo o venerando senhor Fr. Martim Alvaro Pinto, dignissimo Bálio de LeçaDa Sylva, Manoel Thomas
1989A brief history of the Order of St JohnWillis, Pamela; Tidnam, Rod
2020Casal Musta under the Order's rule in the eighteenth century : the people and their administratorsCassar, George