Browsing by Subject Knights of Malta -- History

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Showing results 129 to 148 of 167 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002-08A re-edition and translation into English of the monumental inscriptions found at the nave of St John's Co-Cathedral (Valletta, Malta), including introduction, full commentary and indicesMunro, Dane
1749Relaçao dos successos que tem acontecido na Ilha de Malta, depois que nella se acha cativo Mustapha Baxà da Ilha de Rhodes-
2014Relikwa Insinji ta' San Ġorġ f'Malta: storja ta' telfa imprezzabbliPisani, Paul George
2017‘Sanctify yourselves and be holy’ : Hospitallers and their Counter-Reformation saintsEbejer, Matthias
2015Scale models and the coastal fortifications of MaltaSpiteri, Stephen C.
2011Sea heroes of the Dutch and Maltese fleetsMunro, Dane
2014Setting the stage : a banquet for a KnightButtigieg, Noel
1980The Siege of Rhodes, 1480Butler, Lionel
2008Some early form of financial instruments found in mid-sixteenth century MaltaAbela, Joan
2007Some educational programmes run by the Order of St John for naval personnel in 17th and 18th century MaltaCassar, George
2014The sovereign military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta – a general history of the Order of MaltaButtigieg, Emanuel
1970The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (S.M.O.M)Said, E.
2014Stemming Vice : a proposal for Hospitaller virtuous living in Ancien Regime MaltaZammit, William; Bonello, Giovanni
2020Stereotyping the enemy : Turcica at St John'sMunro, Dane
2014The stolen stones of the Victoria LinesSpiteri, Stephen C.
2023Storja 2023Buttigieg, Emanuel; Abela, Joan; Azzopardi, Simone
2018The struggle for supremacy : the Mediterranean world in 1453 and beyondCassar, George; Munro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel
1890A summary of the history of MaltaBusuttil, V.
2015-11The suppression of the Order of St Anthony of Vienne in 1775 : the consequent interactions between the Order of the Hospital and the Order of St LazarusGatt, Raymond
1988-06-19Tagħrif storiku dwar din il-kappellaBonello, Joseph