Browsing by Subject Labor unions -- Malta

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Showing results 56 to 75 of 165 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Health and safety in Malta : a snapshot as informed by the long essays of the diploma in social studies (Occupational health and safety)Fiorini, Luke
1984Il-partecipazzjoni fit-tarzna : kif jahsibha l-haddiemBaldacchino, Godfrey
2005Impasse over legitimacy of industrial action resolvedDebono, Manwel; Tabone, Charles
2007Industrial action due to restructuring averted at MaltacomFarrugia, Christine; Debono, Manwel
1996An industrial dispute in the public service : the promotion to the grade of Senior PrincipalMamo, Paulanne (1996)
2021Industrial relations in the gaming industry : the Maltese contextMuscat, Anabel (2021)
2018-04-28Is-60 anniversarju mill-gurnata storikaOrizzont
1994Is-sehem tat-Tarzna fil-formazzjoni ta' mexxejja politiċi u trejdunjonistiċiBorg, Michael (1994)
2017-04-21It-28 ta' April 1958: Qawmien ta' popluFenech, Salvu
2003Just for wages? Work & reward management amongst factory workersAquilina, Victor
2007Kemm hija kapaci li tkun influwenti u tħalli impatt il-General Workers' Unjin fuq il-Gvern?Mercieca, Geitu (2007)
1999Kont hemm : program 1Grech, Sergio
1993L-akbar unjon? Aspetti socjologiciBaldacchino, Godfrey
2018-06-24"L-Ark Royal ma dahlitx gol-Port...l-iskop intlahaq"Torca; Mansueto, John
1994L-edukazzjoni tal-ħaddiema f'Malta : analiżi tal-edukazzjoni mill-perspettiv industrijali u politiku u t-twassil tagħha lill-ħaddiemaVella, Charles (1994)
1975Legal problems arising from the registration of trade unions.Abela, George
2004Lifelong learning : an exploration of the Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin's perspectiveZammit, Anna Maria (2004)
1998The M.U.T. : a case study of a professional associationBuhagiar, Stephen; Sammut, Svea
1989The making of the Union Ħaddiema MagħqudinStellato, Antonietta (1989)
2006Malta - the chemicals sectorRizzo, Saviour; Debono, Manwel