Browsing by Subject Labor unions -- Malta

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Showing results 68 to 87 of 165 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1993L-akbar unjon? Aspetti socjologiciBaldacchino, Godfrey
2018-06-24"L-Ark Royal ma dahlitx gol-Port...l-iskop intlahaq"Torca; Mansueto, John
1994L-edukazzjoni tal-ħaddiema f'Malta : analiżi tal-edukazzjoni mill-perspettiv industrijali u politiku u t-twassil tagħha lill-ħaddiemaVella, Charles (1994)
1975Legal problems arising from the registration of trade unions.Abela, George
2004Lifelong learning : an exploration of the Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin's perspectiveZammit, Anna Maria (2004)
1998The M.U.T. : a case study of a professional associationBuhagiar, Stephen; Sammut, Svea
1989The making of the Union Ħaddiema MagħqudinStellato, Antonietta (1989)
2006Malta - the chemicals sectorRizzo, Saviour; Debono, Manwel
2006Malta - the extractive industryDebono, Manwel; Tabone, Charles
2006Malta - the furniture industryDebono, Manwel; Farrugia, Christine; Scott, SueAnn
2023Malta : developments in working life 2022Rizzo, Saviour; Fiorini, Luke
2010Malta : EIRO annual review 2008Debono, Manwel
1973Malta : employment, earnings and trade unionismFarrugia, Vincent V. (1973)
2019Malta : moving away from confrontationDebono, Manwel; Baldacchino, Godfrey
2008Malta : temporary agency work and collective bargaining in the EUDebono, Manwel
2023Malta : trade union resilience in a changing environmentDebono, Manwel; Fiorini, Luke Anthony
2019Malta and its human resources : management and development perspectivesBaldacchino, Godfrey; Cassar, Vincent; Azzopardi, Joseph G.
1992The Malta Government Joint Council : an investigation of its workingsBorg, Philip C. (1992)
2009Malta Union of Teachers pulls out of union confederationDebono, Manwel; Saviour, Rizzo
2006Malta – the woodworking sectorDebono, Manwel; Farrugia, Christine; Scott, SueAnn