Browsing by Subject Planning Authority (Malta)

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Showing results 4 to 23 of 87 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003-09-14Beyond fundingEbejer, John
2020-07A biased Planning AuthorityEbejer, John
2000Bird-talk : issue 58 : March-April 2000BirdLife Malta
2023The birth & life of a planning permission under different legislationsMusumeci, Robert
2016-07-24Boathouses in paradiseDeidun, Alan
2000Case for the retention of the status quo regarding the exportation of Maltese Stone : A pre EU accession report for the Government of MaltaLino Bianco & Associates; Bianco, Lino
2014Character appraisal as a tool to inform planning policy : Ħal Balzan as a case studyMuscat, Daniel (2014)
2017-03-19Collective amnesia at DwejraDeidun, Alan
2017Conceptualisation of the design of an environmental GIS system in MaltaHili, Omar
1998Contested space : planners, tourists, developers and environmentalists in MaltaBoissevain, Jeremy; Theuma, Nadia
2016-11-27Delegating planning decisionsDeidun, Alan
2019Determining a planning permission : from Act I of 1992 to Act III of 2016Musumeci, Robert
1997Development control : past, present & futureAttard, Robert (1997)
1999Development control guidance : installation of apparata and other structures on the roof buildings.Cassar, David (1999)
1998Development Planning (amendment) Act 1997 : how was the Maltese planning system effected by this Act?Zammit, Sylvana (1998)
2017-02-05The devil is in the detailDeidun, Alan
2018-01-21Dumping : bull taken by the hornsDeidun, Alan
2017Education for sustainable development for the planning authority’s decision-makers : a choice or an imperative?Saliba, Melisent Marie
1999Effective enforcement control : a proactive approachGrech, Vincent (1999)
2023The environment and planning review tribunal - was its’ role changed?Musumeci, Robert