Browsing by Subject Planning Authority (Malta)

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 87 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Education for sustainable development for the planning authority’s decision-makers : a choice or an imperative?Saliba, Melisent Marie
1999Effective enforcement control : a proactive approachGrech, Vincent (1999)
2023The environment and planning review tribunal - was its’ role changed?Musumeci, Robert
2023The environment and planning review tribunal : principles of good administrative behaviorMusumeci, Robert
2019The Environment and Planning Review Tribunal ActBrincat, Ethan
1998Environmental impacts due to development control decisions in outside development zoneCallus, Etienne (1998)
2017Exploring bureaucracy at Planning Authority through the eyes of architectsCachia, Enzo
2017A geographical information system used in the 2011 census of population and housingRefalo, Maria; Zammit, Silvan; Formosa, Saviour; Hili, Ashley
2019-05-26Goalposts that don't stop movingDeidun, Alan
2017-01-22How to work the planning systemDeidun, Alan
2000Il-Gudja fuq il-mapep tas-seklu XXEllul, Carmel
2021The impact of the rural policy and design guidance on the effectiveness of project managementBaldacchino, Maria (2021)
2023Is planning permission required for expressing ones' feelings?Musumeci, Robert
2021Is planning permission required for expressing one’s feelings?Musumeci, Robert; Cilia, Rebekah
2018-08-05Island at risk of being stifled by fuel stationsDeidun, Alan
2020Judicial interpretation of Maltese development planning law : eliciting the added valueMusumeci, Robert
2019-02-17Land lust on Calypso's islandDeidun, Alan
2020Legal analysis of Legal Notice 285/16 (and subsequent amendments) : was it a step in the right direction?Mifsud, Jean Pierre (2020)
2000-03-26Major development proiects and the planning systemEbejer, John
2023Malta : one large construction site - how the Planning Authority ruined MaltaAquilina, Kevin