Browsing by Subject Politics, Practical -- Malta

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Showing results 23 to 42 of 45 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Malta : EIRO annual review 2008Debono, Manwel
2004Malta and northern Ireland : a study into political divisions and their consequencesBaldacchino, Georgina (2004)
2009Malta shipyards : the last chapterRizzo, Saviour
2023-07Malta's abortion reformBriguglio, Michael
2022Malta's political conundrum : Europe’s leading country for LGBTIQ rights and the ban on abortionHarwood, Mark
2023-04Malta’s democracy indicators and rankingsBriguglio, Michael
1994Maltese political parties and political modernizationPirotta, Godfrey, A.
2019Meta ltqajt ma’ Marie Louise Coleiro : ġurnaliżmu, attiviżmu u femminiżmu f’Malta ta’ żgħożitnaSammut, Carmen
2013-06Mitt jum ta' gvern LaburistaBriguglio, Michael
2022Multi-level environmentalismBriguglio, Michael
2017-12Panama Papers and MaltaBriguglio, Michael; European Liberal Forum
2017-06A party in meltdownAzzopardi, Andrew
2023-03PL / PN CrossroadsBriguglio, Michael
1987Political life in Malta between 1849 and 1878Ungaro, John (1987)
2023Politicians cannot expect ‘trust’, if they ignore people’s concernsVassallo, Raphael; Briguglio, Michael
2024Politicians, rifts and music : parody songs in Maltese politicsCiantar, Philip
2023-03The politics of the hospital controversyBriguglio, Michael
2008Question timeCassola, Arnold
2017The road to women's suffrage and beyond : women's enfranchisement and the nation-building projectSammut, Carmen
2023Standards commissioner appointment : a farceAquilina, Kevin