Browsing by Subject Renewable energy sources -- Malta

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Showing results 55 to 74 of 109 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-10Let it shineMakipere, Tuovi
2013Lifestyle trends for heating and cooling in Maltese householdsGrech, Aaron; Yousif, Charles
2019Light your own fireStivala, Veronica
2006Local manufacturing of solar water heating systems : a feasibility studyScicluna, Tiziana (2006)
2007-04-22Losing our rooftops... and still no energy planScerri, Edward; Yousif, Charles
2023Malta : energy policyAzzopardi, Rose Marie
2003Malta [Handbook of renewable energies in the European Union II : case studies of all accession states]Farrugia, Robert N.; Scerri, Edward; Yousif, Charles
2019Monitoring and simulation of power quality of PV invertersGrima, Claire
2019Moving energetically aheadRepeckaite, Daiva
2007Offshore wind farms in Malta and their implications on oil imports and the balance of paymentsCamilleri, Blaine (2007)
2024Optimal battery sizing for the solar photovoltaic systems supplying a residential load on Maltese islandsDulović, Lazar; Micallef, Alexander; Staines, Cyril Spiteri; Licari, John
2020Optimizing the energy efficiency of a large pharmaceutical plantAzzopardi, John
2008Performance analysis of water-in-glass evacuated-tube solar heating systems in MaltaYousif, Charles; Fernandez Vazquez, C.; Buhagiar, Vincent
1998-07-19Photovoltaics : what, where, who....!!Yousif, Charles
2010The potential and constraints of wind farm development at nearshore sites in the Maltese islandsFarrugia, Robert N.; Deidun, Alan; Debono, Godwin; Mallia, Edward A.; Sant, Tonio
2013Potential of mini-hydro in Malta. Application in a pipelineGileppo, Marco
2015Profiling photovoltaic users : an analysis of the Maltese householdsFormosa, Glenn (2015)
2010Pumped solar heating system with vertical flat-plate collectorMartin, O.; Farrugia, Robert N.; Yousif, Charles
2002Recent developments of applying solar photovoltaic technologies in MaltaYousif, Charles
2019The regulation of renewable energy incentives and investments under Maltese LawDingli, Jurgen