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Showing results 26 to 45 of 65 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996L-identita tal-moviment Kerygma - għal impenn Kristjan fis-soċjetaEllul, Joseph
1956L-ilsien ta' Gesu'Saydon, Pietru Pawl
2009L-umilta' u l-minorita' fil-kitbiet ta' San Franġisk ta' Assisi u San Ġorġ PrecaSaid, Emmanuel (2009)
2008Lectures 10 : program 14 : Christian theology and the universe of science according to St. Albert the GreatFaculty of Theology, University of Malta; Honnefelder, Ludger
2008Lectures 10 : program 15 : bioethics and the normative concept of human personhoodFaculty of Theology, University of Malta; Honnefelder, Ludger
2008Lectures 11 : program 3 : it-teologija ta' San Pawl u ta' Santu Wistin fuq 'Il-Bniedem il-gdid' : ic-cittadin tal-belt ta' AllaAugustinian Institute; Borg, Lucien
2010Lectures 13 : program 17 : Augustine's teaching on the relation between divine grace and human agencyFaculty of Theology, University of Malta; Fondazzjoni tal-Arcidjocesi ghall-Istudji Teologici; Augustinian Institute; Ogliari, Donato
2009Lectures 13 : programs 1 and 2 : St. Paul and JesusGhaqda Studenti tat-Teologija, University of Malta; Tuckett, Christopher
2010Lectures 14 : program 15 : faith and reason according to Cardinal NewmanGhaqda Studenti tat-Teologija, University of Malta; Norris, Thomas
2010Lectures 15 : program 9 : Augustine's evaluation of fear and its receptionAugustinian Institute; van Geest, Paul
2011Lectures 17 : program 11 : Newman on conscienceDiscern; Kerr, Ian
2012Lectures 18 : program 5 : Wistin ta' Ippona u l-wirt tieghu lit-teologija Latina u l-iskolastikaAugustinian Institute; Frendo, George
2005Lectures 3 : program 10 : imhabba : is-sisien taz-zewgt ibliet : teorija Agostinjana tal-politikaAgostinian Institute; Borg, Lucien
2005Lectures 3 : program 14 : ligi skond San Tumas t’AkwinuAugustinian Institute; Schembri, Guido
2005Lectures 3 : program 16 : Augustinian's city of God : background and importance for Christianity in a post-modern EuropeAugustinian Institute; Van Oort, Johannes
2005Lectures 3 : program 8 : qarrej politiku lajk tal-belt t'AllaAugustinian Institute; Sant, Alfred
2007Lectures 9 : program 10 : why are there women? : Augustine's answersAugustinian Institute; Clark, Edith Gillian
2007Lectures 9 : program 3 : Il-mara fix-xejriet religjuzi tal-filosofija qadima mhux nisranija qabel Santu WistinAugustinian Institute; Serracino-Inglott, Peter
2007Lectures 9 : program 4 : Monika, omm Wistin : il-mara ta' nisel barbaru mill-Afrika ta' FuqAugustinian Institute; Borg, Lucien
2007Lectures 9 : program 7 : for understanding is the reward of faith : Augustinian as an apologistFaculty of Theology, University of Malta; Augustinian Institute; Pollmann, Karla