Browsing by Subject Aeronautics, Commercial

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Airline schedules planning and route developmentCamilleri, Mark Anthony
2016An analysis of legal and practical aspects of working time and duty limitations in land, sea and air transportCiantar, Warren
2020An application of column generation to the airline crew pairing problemCassar, Matthew
2016The challenges faced by female air traffic controllers in a male dominated workplaceBezzina, Maria Theresa (2016)
2020Environmental impact of air transportWasowska, Katarzyna; Wincewicz-Bosy, Marta; Dymyt, Malgorzata
2017-03Green planes, safe planesZammit-Mangion, David
2020The impact of the adoption of IFRS 16 on accounting conservatism in airlines : the case of Royal Airlines of JordanMohammad Khersiat, Ola
2014Impact of the business aviation industry on the Maltese economySammut Jurcik, Zuzana
2024The integration chosen of innovative technologies focusing on adoption of space technologies and management digital systems in aviation securityAugustyn, Sławomir; Owczarczyk, Anna
2010Modeling electromagnetic interference generated by a WLAN system onboard commercial aircraftDe Raffaele, Clifford; Debono, Carl James; Muscat, Adrian
2021OrgRes diagnostic tool for organizational resilience : the case of a Polish aviation company during the pandemicEwertowski, Tomasz; Kuźmiński, Patryk
2012The perception of cabin crew to potential hazardous conditions on commercial passenger aircraft : a case studyCamilleri, Joseph (2012)
1988The problem of hijacking in international lawGulia, Gavin
2021So close yet so far : island connectivity and ecotourism development in central Mediterranean IslandsAgius, Karl David; Theuma, Nadia; Deidun, Alan
2021Strategic cargo management by air transport : safety aspectsJalowiec, Tomasz; Mastlerz, Paulina; Smal, Tomasz; Wojtaszek, Henryk
2006Trajectory-based air traffic control TB-ATCHerrera, Mark (2006)
2020The use of virtual reality in air transport during a pandemicJozwiak, Arkadiusz; Wasniewski, Tomasz R.; Pawlisiak, Mieczyslaw; Brozyna, Ewa