Browsing by Subject Agriculture -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 216  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003The acari of Malta with special reference to man-made habitatsVella, Antoine (2003)
2021Accessing EU funds : an appraisal of the process from the perspective of Maltese farmersSant, Jonathan (2021)
1995The Agrarian Society : its contribution to Maltese agriculture and the part played by voluntary organizations in MaltaMicallef, Joseph A.
2002Agricultural education in MaltaAbdilla, John (2002)
1975Agricultural land use : suggestions for reformPolidano, Maria (1975)
1970The agricultural leases board in Malta : a study in Administrative LawFarrugia, Anthony B.
2006Agriculture : a curriculum pack for the EkoSkola programmeBonello, Marisa; Mizzi, Bernardette; Spiteri, Judith
2003Agriculture in MaltaBriguglio, Lino; Cordina, Gordon
1957The agriculture of Malta : the Durham survey of 1955Barrington, Leo
2019Agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries : harvesting resources from soil and seaAttard, Everaldo
1990Agriculture, land use and resource transformation in MaltaCharlton, W. A.; Beeley, B. W.
2006-02-16Alternative crops, with special reference to medicinal and aromatic plants, for a competitive Maltese agricultureAttard, Everaldo
2005An analysis of the carrot cultivation in MaltaGrech, Daniel (2005)
2022An analysis of the impacts of climate on the agricultural sector in Malta : a climatological and agronomic studyGaldies, Charles; Meli, Anthony
2010Analyzing the potential introduction of contract heifer raising in MaltaMagro, Sammy (2010)
2003The anthelmintic activity of some Maltese plantsVella, Joseph (2003)
2011The application of the EU nitrates directive to Malta : fundamental change or business as usual?Gauci, Jessica
1978Aspects of pig production in MaltaGauci, Doris (1978)
2010Assessing the environmental impacts of agriculture using IRENA indicatorsZammit, Petra (2010)
2009Assessing the impact of the EU regional policy in relation to Gozo with particular focus on tourism, agriculture and fisheries.Borg, Marvik (2009)