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Showing results 1 to 20 of 40  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Appendix IV : gazetteer of cart-ruts in other parts of the worldMagro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C.
2005Appendix V : Spanish and Italian summary translationMagro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C.
2021Approaching biblical archaeologyFrendo, Anthony J.
2006The artefact : programs 1-12Camilleri, Patricia
2014Bil-qala u l-moqdief 4 : program 11Xuereb, Charles
1993[Book review] Centuries of darkness : a challenge to the conventional chronology of old world archaeology by Peter James, I. J. Thorpe, Nikos Kokkinos, Robert Morkot, John Frankish and Colin RenfrewFrendo, Anthony J.
2020[Book review] A history of archaeological tourism : pursuing leisure and knowledge from the eighteenth century to World War IIGrima, Reuben
2005Cart-ruts in other parts of the worldMagro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C.
2023Catalogue of pre-temple period sherds from the Maltese islandsRichard-Trémeau, Emma; Brogan, Catriona; Betts, John Charles
2004The dynamics of flint and obsidian movement and utilisation strategies in the Central MediterraneanVella, Clive (2004)
2002Evaluation of conservation measures within the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, PaolaCristina, Alessandro (2002)
1930-03F'art twelid AbramFarrugia, G. M.
2003Fejn jinzamm in-nahal l-imgiebah jitrawmu : a case study in industrial archaeologyCamilleri, Allison (2003)
2018From the parts to the whole : how written and non-written fragments can be a gateway to the pastFrendo, Anthony J.
2009Gods, sacred places and the sea : an overview of ritual, landscapes and the ancient maritime worldBorg, Daniel (2003)
2016The historic and archaeological heritage : pollution and non-urban sitesCassar, JoAnn
2024Hsieb il-Patrimonju Kulturali : Programmes 1 - 13Xuereb, Karsten; Pace, Anthony
2008An interpretation of prehistoric lithics from the archaeological sites of Skorba and Tas-Silg (South), MaltaVella, Clive (2008)
2022-01Ir-Ricerka fl-Universita S1 : Programme 1-13Fitz, Colin
2008L-arkeologija u t-Testment il-Gdid (2)Niccacci, Alviero