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Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021AI as an enabler for long-term resilience in manufacturingRauch, Erwin; Acarkan, Tunç; Lanza, Gisela; Alonso, Jesús; Lazaro, Oscar; Sterian, Irene; Athinarayanan, Ragu; Tavola, Giacomo; Balzary, James; Thevenin, Simon; Biff, Giuseppe; Vallazza, Raphael; Ermidoro, Michele; Eschner, Niclas; Doyle, Aoife; Francalanza, Emmanuel; Shen, Xin; Ansari, Fazel
2022AutoFAIR : a portal for automating FAIR assessments for bioinformatics resourcesBonello, Joseph; Cachia, Ernest; Alfino, Nigel
2017Automating point cloud acquisition methods for scene understandingCamilleri, Jonathan
1989Automation / assembly operations on 7 mm transformersBajada, Joseph (1989)
2022Automation and standardization : a coupled approach towards reproducible sample preparation protocols for nanomaterial analysisRadnik, Jorg; Hodoroaba, Vasile-Dan; Jungnickel, Harald; Tentschert, Jutta; Luch, Andreas; Sogne, Vanessa; Meier, Florian; Burr, Loic; Schmid, David; Schlager, Christoph; Yoon, Tae Hyun; Peters, Ruud; Briffa, Sophie M.; Eugenia, Valsami-Jones
2023Automation during additive manufacturing : a case study for 3D printed smart wearable deviceMifsud, Svetlana (2023)
2021Automation in traffic engineering to prevent road accidents : a reviewMusarat, Muhammad Ali; Altaf, Muhammad; Rabbani, Muhammad Babar Ali; Alaloul, Wesam Salah; Alzubi, Khalid M.; Salaheen, Marsail Al
1992The automation of a cutting and stripping rotary transfer system for telephone line cordsBonnici, Jean Carl (1992); Spiteri, Raymond (1992)
2020Blockchain technologies in the educational sector : a reflection on the topic in the middle of the Covid-19 situationPfeiffer, Alexander; Thomas, André; Wernbacher, Thomas; Black, Michael; Muniz, Nick; Donelan, Lloyd; Lenzen, Brenton; Dingli, Alexiei; Vella, Vince; Bezzina, Stephen; Pirker-Ihl, Manuel
2015Case study : evaluation and optimization of a reconfigurable system for automated assembly of deformable productsAzzopardi, Josmar; Saliba, Michael A.
2018Connected car data collectionZammit, Luca (2018)
2024Data security in cloud-centric multi-tenant databasesCamilleri, Rebecca (2024)
2017Designing the factory of the futureFrancalanza, Emmanuel
2021Development and operation of emerging technologies labs and makerspaces in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis : a case studyPfeiffer, Alexander; Fleischhacker, Michael; Bezzina, Stephen; Stella-Pfeiffer, Sandra
2013Double Exponential Smoothing for predictive vision based target tracking of a wheeled mobile robotGuérin, François; Fabri, Simon G.; Bugeja, Marvin K.
2023Financial processes automations’ impact on the work of management accountantsKielanowicz, Żaneta; Wnuk-Pel, Tomasz
2018FPGA-based phase control for indoor light regulationCauchi, Mark (2018)
2006FracTunes : a fractal music sequencerGiordano, Michela (2006)
2019A heuristic approach to module synthesis in the design of reconfigurable manufacturing systemsSaliba, Michael A.; Azzopardi, Sandro; Pace, Conrad; Zammit, Dawn
2008A highly flexible, automated, parts sorting and transfer systemSaliba, Michael A.; Spiteri, Gracelee; Grech Sollars, Bernard; Farrugia, Karl