Browsing by Subject Career development -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 110  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Achieving personal development whilst maintaining work-family balanceBonavia, Ilona (2023)
2009An analysis of the professionalisation of accountancy in MaltaCaruana, Maria
2018An analysis of the provision of training and career development in tourism institutions : a study based on MaltaBarbara, Maria
2021The appointment of women on boards of directors of publicly listed and/or licensed companies in MaltaThake, Anne Marie
2009Attitude of Maltese medical students towards family medicine.Felice-Klaumann, Maria-Iris
2004Beginning teachers' perceptions of their preparation and professional developmentBezzina, Nataline Rose; Stanyer, Ritianne
2016Best practices in teaching entrepreneurship and creating entrepreneurial ecosystems in EuropeBaldacchino, Leonie; Geurts, Janne; Migon, Marta Paulina; Politanska, Justyna; Pulis Xerxen, Shirley; Weiner, Elizabeth
2022-06Breaking barriers : supporting Maltese chemistry teachers through a teacher learning communityBaldacchino, Katryna; Farrugia, Josette
1997A brief history of the development of guidance and counselling in Malta : 1968-1987DeGiovanni, Joseph P.
2015Career advancement for women accountants in Maltese auditing firms : an analysisCamilleri, Bernice
2017Career education and guidance in Malta : development and outlookDebono, Manwel
2017The career exposure experience : an analysis from students’ perspectiveRocco, Maria
2012A career in taxation in Malta : a studyCamilleri, Kristina
2003Career outcomes of graduates 2002Debono, Manwel; Debono, Albert; Caruana, Noel
2005Career outcomes of graduates 2004 - a career guidance toolDebono, Manwel; Debono, Albert; Caruana, Noel
2023The career progression of women to managerial positions within the Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS)Cesare, Nicolette (2023)
2014Career specialisation for the Maltese CPA : an analysisGalea, Sean
2024Challenges across the professional career of the physical educatorMizzi, Gosef (2024)
2021Challenges in implementing transferable skills in MaltaDebono, Manwel
2021Changes in mathematics teachers’ self‑reported beliefs and practices over the course of a blended continuing professional development programmeCalleja, James