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Showing results 1 to 20 of 284  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998The altar : in Roman catholic liturgyAgius, Mary Doris (1998)
2020Amoris laetitia : a vision of formation for the domestic churchSchembri, Jean-Claude (2020)
2017Amoris Laetitia and Veritatis Splendor on the “Object of the Act”Delicata, Nadia
2017Amoris Laetitia u aspetti partikulari tat-tmien kapitluSchembri, Kevin
2007Antonio Debono (1897-1966) : superjur fil-MUSEUM (1911-1966)Said, Philip E.
2005Applying theological developments to bioethical issues such as genetic screeningMallia, Pierre; ten Have, Henk
1962Araw li hadd ma jqarraq bikomMagro, Nikola
2023Aspects of synodality in recent catechetical documents : the directory for catechesis and Antiquum ministeriumSultana, Carl-Mario
2014At the Fountain of Love : living Holiness through the LiturgyVella, Angèle
2020Augustine's struggle with the problem of evil and his conversion to Neo-PlatonismScerri, Hector
2010Benedittu XVI : kitbiet, tamiet, u vizjoniBerry, John Anthony
1904De Biblico Hexaemero : brevis disquisitioFormosa, Ioannis
1864The blessed sacrament, the centre of immutable truth : a sermon-
2015BOOKMark : Issue 7University of Malta. Library. Junior College Library
2012The Cana Movement 'Marriage Preparation Course' : a theological and pastoral evaluationGalea, Christine (2012)
2019Cardinal Giovanni Battista de Luca and his reflections on the right of resistance to the prince. An unresolved debateD'Errico, Gian Luca
2006A catholic perspective on human rightsBlair, Cherie
n.d.The Catholic scriptural catechismMilner, John
n.d.The Catholic scripturist, or, The plea of the Roman Catholics. Shewing the scriptures to hold the Roman faith in above forty of the chief controversies now under debate. No. 1Mumford, Joseph
n.d.The Catholic scripturist, or, The plea of the Roman Catholics. Shewing the scriptures to hold the Roman faith in above forty of the chief controversies now under debate. No. 11Mumford, Joseph