Browsing by Subject Economic development

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 142  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Abriendo el apetito : formación en la gestión de datos para la Cooperación al Desarrollo. Manual del ProfesorBennett, Rachel; Alberti, Gianmarco; Çibik, Aytekin; Eremenko, Tatiana; Formosa, Saviour; Formosa Pace, Janice; Jiménez-Buedo, Maria; Lynch, Kenny; Salazar, Leire; Ubeda, Paloma
2021-10-21Advancing community-based tourism approaches for the sustainable development of destinationsMtapuri, Oliver; Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Dłużewska, Anna
2006Aid as a relation to development in aid recipient countriesFarrugia, Jana (2006)
2011Analysing the main trends in government recurrent and capital expenditures and their impact on economic growthCamilleri, Miriam
2021Analysis of factors determining global payment imbalances in 2000-2019Twarowska-Mól, Katarzyna; Twarowska-Ratajczak, Małgorzata
2017An analysis of foreign direct investment inward flows to Malta since its EU accessionSammut, Isaac (2017)
2016Analysis of the impact of taxation of business entities on the innovative development of the countryNechaev, Andrey; Antipina, Oksana
2022An analysis of the relationship between human development and economic growthConti, Miriana (2022)
2015Anatomy of the “economic miracle”Arkhipov, Alexey Y.; Yerznkyan, Bagrat H.; Martishin, E. M.
1975Arab economic integrationKamel, Mona (1975)
2020Assessing the economic impact of renewable energy on economic growthFrancalanza, Owen
2013An assessment of the response to the eurozone crisis : investment in growth versus austerity measuresMifsud, Nigel (2013)
2018Atmospheric pollution and economic development in small states : the role of governanceCamilleri, Jessica
2018Atmospheric pollution and economic development in small states : the role of governanceCamilleri, Jessica (2018)
2022-07The audit regulatory dilemma : should audit regulatory authorities focus on regulating the audit expectation gap?Dachevski, Darko; Ackers, Barry
2016[Book Review] Morality and Economic Growth in Rural West Africa. Indigenous Accumulation in Hausaland by Paul CloughMayo, Peter
1993Bursting the bubble : the pseudo- development strategies of microstatesBaldacchino, Godfrey
2016Business administration as a basis for development of global entrepreneurshipErmakova, N. Y.; Fokina, Olga V.; Tyufiakova, Ekaterina S.; Rogacheva, Irina S.; Tyurina, Yulia
2023Business model innovation as a result of opportunity-based disruptionSchembri, Joe; Fletcher, Margaret
2003Changes in approach towards sustainable development with particular reference to the Johannesburg Summit of 2002Sammut, Andrew D. (2003)