Browsing by Subject Education -- Malta -- Gozo -- History
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011-01 | 2011 : is-sena internazzjonali tal-kimika | Vella, Mario |
1997 | The birth of the Gozo Lyceum | Vella, Robert; Debono, Joseph |
1971 | The first 100 years of government secondary education for boys in Gozo (1851-1951) | Scicluna, George J. |
1998 | The first traces of education in Gozo | Attard, G. |
1979 | The Gozitan child yesterday and today | Bezzina, Joe |
1991 | The Gozo seminary : on the 125th anniversary of its foundation | Bezzina, Joseph |
2010-10 | Il-Ħajja f'Għawdex : volume 921 : 2010 | Catholic Church. Diocese of Gozo (Malta) |
2008 | Is-seminarju minuri ta' Għawdex : 150 sena ta' formazzjoni u tagħlim edukattiv | Grech, Anthony (2008) |
1964 | The missing chapter in Gozo's history | Cassar, George N. |
1994 | School log-books in Gozo : a glimpse at the educational and social aspects of the island 1900-1950 | Tabone, Frank (1994); Mizzi, Geoffrey (1994) |
1964 | Storja ta' l-edukazzjoni f'Malta | Camilleri, Joseph J. (1964) |