Browsing by Subject Environmental protection -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 119  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-12-272015 doldrumsDeidun, Alan
2013-10-207,000-year-old Ta Hagrat temples within the sights of developersDeidun, Alan
1990-01Abozz ta' ligi dwar il-protezzjoni ta' l-ambjentDepartment of Information
1996Adopting cleaner production in industry as a means of environmental protectionPizzuto, Anton (1996)
2010Are ENGOs empowered through EU accession? The case of Maltese ENGOsBriguglio, Michael
2022An assessment of EU-funded environmental protection projects in Malta, 2014-2020Galea, Gabriel Nicholas (2022)
2014Assessment of the Maltese environmental matrix to define the future monitoring strategySanchez, Ines; Tamburini, Francesca; Debrincat, Ruth
2024At a snail’s pace : suitability of cornu aspersum and theba pisana as bioindicators for heavy metals in MaltaSchembri, Nathanael (2024)
2010-04-04Aviation park concernsDeidun, Alan
2017-07-06The battle's been lost : has all hope of countering the advance of built-up areas been shattered?Deidun, Alan
1998Biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution in MaltaPace, Lisa A.
2015-06-15The bird hunting referendum in MaltaBriguglio, Michael
1999Bird-talk : issue 54 : July-August 1999BirdLife Malta
1999Bird-talk : issue 55 : September-October 1999BirdLife Malta
2000Bird-talk : issue 58 : March-April 2000BirdLife Malta
2000Bird-talk : issue 60 : July-August 2000BirdLife Malta
1994Bird-talk : January-February 1994Malta Ornithological Society
1993-07Bird-talk : July 1993Malta Ornithological Society
1987-09Bird’s Eye View : issue 10 : September 1987Malta Ornithological Society
1993Bird’s Eye View : issue 15 : 1993Malta Ornithological Society