Browsing by Subject European Union countries -- Politics and government

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 61  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-02-13Book launch : the future of the European Union : demisting the debateUniversity of Malta. Institute for European Studies; Moncada, Stefano; Harwood, Mark; Pace, Roderick
2019-05Book review : Malta’s EU presidency : a study in a small state presidency of the Council of the EUBriffa, Hillary
2001Can a new history save Europe from its past?Frendo, Henry
2019-05The competitiveness of small European countries : a focus on MontenegroKatnic, Milorad; Boskovic, Bojana
2019The decline of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in European electionsSammut, Bjorn Rhys
2010Democracy at European elections campaigning : the case studies of the Socialist manifestos and media in Malta, Spain and Britain for the European Parliament elections 2009Cefai, Antoinette (2010)
2018Does good governance foster trust in government? An empirical analysisSpiteri, Jonathan V.; Briguglio, Marie
2019The effect of EU enlargement on the efforts towards corporate tax harmonisationCassar, Benjamin Charles
2004Effective management of the European Union (EU) structural and cohesion fundsMizzi, Kevin (2004)
2022Engaging with the EU policy-makingVassallo, Mario Thomas
2023The EU and the Israel-Palestine testKhakee, Anna; Pace, Michelle
2004The EU enlargement and its impact on the judiciaries of the applicant states : the case of BulgariaBambova, Lyubomira (2004)
2005The European Constitution and its impact on decision making procedures within the EUPortelli, Joanna Rose (2005)
2003The European Parliament as an actor in European Union foreign policyViola, Donatella Maria
2006The European Union as a global actor : policy making and representation in the area of external relationsGalea, George a.k.a Jurgen
2004The European Union in the 90’s. Fiscal conditions and concernsPapaioannou, George
2011The European Union’s constitutional development : towards the solidary integration modelFava, Lauro
2024The EU’s technocracy model : the interplay between unelected experts and elected representativesPirotta, Karl (2024)
2022Evaluating the legislative powers of the European Parliament through the European Union treatiesSammut, Bjorn Rhys (2022)
2020The evolution of the concept of sovereignty in modern EuropeBuhagiar, Ryan