Browsing by Subject Finance -- Technological innovations

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021An analysis of digital platforms within the banking industrySultana, Gabriella (2021)
2017Banking business models of the digital future : the case of LatviaJapparova, Irina; Rupeika-Apoga, Ramona
2021A comparative analysis of transparency in insurance regulation and supervisory law of selected european jurisdictionsMarano, Pierpaolo
2018Conceptual approach to the development of financial technologies in the context of digitalization of economic processesVovchenko, N. G.; Ivanova, Olga Borisovna; Andreeva, O. V.; Kostoglodova, Elena Dmitrievna
2021Customers’ perceptions of service quality of traditional banks versus fintech companies in MaltaSchembri Parnis, Daryl Leigh (2021)
2017Development of digital (engineering) entity’s capital management frameworksTkach, Victor Ivanovich; Shchemelev, Sergey Nikolaevich
2017The evolution of e-moneyVlasov, Andrei V.
2017Fintech as financial innovation – the possibilities and problems of implementationSaksonova, Svetlana; Kuzmina-Merlino, Irina
2019FinTech ecosystem as an instrument of sustainable development provisionVovchenko, N. G.; Galazova, S. S.; Sopchenko, A. A.; Dzhu, O. S.
2020Ideas for a regulatory definition of FinTechRupeika-Apoga, Ramona; Thalassinos, Eleftherios I.
2006Innovation in the financial services industry in MaltaPortelli, Stephen (2006)
2023Is decentralized finance a better alternative to traditional finance?Hristov, Hristo Krumov (2023)
2021Management of distribution risks and digital transformation of insurance distribution - a regulatory gap in the IDDMarano, Pierpaolo
2022The new digital era : other emerging risks and opportunitiesGrima, Simon; Özen, Ercan; Boz, Hakan
2022The new digital era : other emerging risks and opportunitiesGrima, Simon; Özen, Ercan; Boz, Hakan
2024Nutzung einer Blockchain im data warehouseRevolidis, Ioannis
2019The product oversight and governance : standards and liabilitiesMarano, Pierpaolo
2020Regulating a revolution : a study into the viability of an international system for the indirect tax treatment of ICOsTanti, Enya (2020)
2023Regulating robo-advisors in insurance distribution : lessons from the insurance distribution directive and the AI actMarano, Pierpaolo; Li, Shu
2023The risk landscape in the digital transformation of finance and insuranceRupeika-Apoga, Ramona; Marano, Pierpaolo