Browsing by Subject Inclusive education -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 172  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Access for disabled students to further and higher education: an intersubjective and dialogic processCallus, Anne-Marie
2002Adapting the Maltese religious education program for inclusive settings : a resource pack for year 3Buttigieg, Charmaine; Xerri, Ruth
2015Addressing different sexual orientations and same-sex families in the primary school curriculumVassallo, Stefan
2006The administration of inclusive education in MaltaFarrugia, Karen (2006)
2000' ... and my dream came true' : the experience of two children who were transferred from special school to an inclusive settingFarrugia, Ruth-Ann (2000)
2004Art lesson plans for children with down syndrome aged eight to twelve yearsAttard, Rachel
2023Aspirations and avenues for post-secondary education for adolescents with intellectual disabilities in Malta : parents’ perspectivesCardona, Michaela (2023)
2010The attitudes of students and teachers towards irregular immigration : can education make a change?Mamo Portelli, Stephanie
2024Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed and its contributions to a learning environment for young people with intellectual disability : professionals’ experiences and perceptionsAgius, Annette (2024)
2000Bridging the gap : inclusion of the intellectually disabled in mainstream secondary schoolsBurmingham, M'Carmen (2000)
2011Building resilience in school children : risk and promotive factors amongst Maltese primary school pupilsCefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato
2005Career counselling in an inclusive schoolZahra, Noelle (2005)
2014A case study of the secondary school experience of a student with down syndromeTabone Valetta, Julie
2004Celebrating diversity : preparing students for inclusion through PSDCremona, Melissa Ann (2004)
2000The challenges faced by children with specific learning difficulties in the ordinary classroomBugeja, Anna; Farrugia, Shirley-Ann Farrugia
2008Challenging behaviour in young children : a case study of three Maltese state schoolsCosta, Maria (2008)
2023"Coming out" of the disability closet : the narratives of primary school educators with invisible disabilitiesDarmanin, Lara Natalya (2023)
2012Committed to student diversity : teacher narratives of becoming differentCoreschi, Claudine
2021COVID-19 and families with children on the autism spectrumBusuttil, Marilyn (2021)
2007Creating inclusive environments : a supportive learning climate for children at the Society of Christian Doctrine in MaltaMizzi, Emanuel; Bartolo, Paul A.