Browsing by Subject Industrial safety -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 140  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Analysis and development of augmented reality (AR) technology for the maintenance of manufacturing equipmentBezzina, Andrea (2023)
2014An analysis of the implementation of the occupational health and safety measures in the Maltese Police ForceMicallef, Jesmond (2014)
2010Asbestos awareness amongst licensed electricians in MaltaSalomone, Stefan (2010)
2006An assessment of the critical elements of the health and safety setup at engineering base, Air Malta plc with a view to restructuringBuhagiar, Joseph (2006)
2010An assessment of the health and safety conditions of domestic waste collectors in MaltaGrech, William (2010)
2008An assessment of the health and safety potential hazards of employees in funeral servicesBonello, Owen (2008)
2012An assessment of the occupational risks to qualified electrical technicians in a manufacturing companyDegabriele, Joseph (2012)
2008The attitude of workers in Malta towards occupational health and safety in the construction sectorMicallef, Konrad (2008)
2000Attitudes of a select group of public service employees to the use and abuse of drugsFarrugia, Silvio (2000)
2014Awareness of computer workers towards work related upper extremity symptomsMontebello, Donald (2014)
2008Awareness of hazardous substances at homeFarrugia, Angelo (2008)
2012Awareness of occupational health and safety amongst members of the Armed Forces of Malta : (serving our nation - safely and professionally)Scicluna, Mark Anthony (2012)
2004Awareness of occupational health and safety issues amongst janitors at Malta International AirportStanicic, Etienne (2004)
2010Awareness of safety requirements in loading airfreight : a study by Globeground Malta LimitedScerri, Godfrey (2010)
2021The barriers perceived by migrant workers in occupational health and safety in MaltaMifsud, Brian (2021)
2001A comparative study of back injuries at Malta Drydocks during 1999Gauci, Kevin (2001)
2004A comparative study of occupational risks to carpenters in the public sector workshopsGalea, Victor (2004)
2008Comparison and perceptions of occupational health and safety by foreign workers, working in the hotel industry in MaltaZammit, Joseph (2008)
2000Costs of occupational health and safety accidents and ill-health to the Maltese Government in the period 1995 to 1997 : economic considerations on health and safetySammut, David (2000)
2010A critical evaluation of the level of knowledge in health and safety among security personnelCalleja, Pierre (2010)