Browsing by Subject Institutional repositories -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 74  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018The academics' perceptions of open access : a case study at the University of MaltaBorg, Joseph John
2020Academics’ perspective of open access and institutional repositories, University of Malta : a case studySaliba, Kristine
2020Academics’ perspectives on open research data : a pre-implementation study for the University of MaltaGalea, Raelene (2020)
2016-10-25Benefits of publishing in open accessLochman, Martin; Dobreva, Milena
2023Deposit AgreementUniversity of Malta. Library
2023Deposit Agreement (drUM)University of Malta. Library
2019-03Digital cultural heritage : the University of Malta’s Institutional RepositoryMicallef, Steve
2023Embargo PolicyUniversity of Malta. Library
2016-12-25Enhancing the visibility of Maltese researchLochman, Martin
2016-09The first open access repository in Malta : two years of challenges and experiencesScicluna, Ryan
2020Il-verdett tal-istoriċiFarrugia, Wayne; Grech, Sergio
2018Marketing and promotion of OAR@UoM : the open access Institutional Repository of the University of MaltaScicluna, Ryan
2014Mediated deposit form & deposit agreementUniversity of Malta. Library
2024OAR@UM : celebrating 10 yearsUniversity of Malta. Library
2021OAR@UM : the UM's institutional repositoryLochman, Martin
2020OAR@UM and open access in Malta : five years onLochman, Martin
2023OAR@UM CommunitiesUniversity of Malta. Library
2020-04OAR@UM Update : April 2020University of Malta Library. Open Science Department; Slonina, Kaja
2021-04OAR@UM Update : April 2021University of Malta Library. Open Science Department
2019-12OAR@UM Update : December 2019University of Malta Library. Open Science Department; Slonina, Kaja