Browsing by Subject Labor market -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 237  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994Acknowledgements and other contributors-
2015Activating job-seekers through start-up incentivesDebono, Manwel
2021Active labour market policies in MaltaVella, Sue
2004Active labour market policy of the Employment and Training Corporation : a critical analysisAbela, Ruben (2004)
2016The adjustment of Maltese firms to the post-crisis economic environment : evidence from a firm-level surveyMicallef, Brian
2015-06Ah hoc request - country fiches on skills governance in the member states - MaltaDebono, Manwel
2024-04-28Aligning education to industry expectations : critical skills more important than just qualificationsThake, Anne Marie
2013All hands on deck! How Europeanised is the Maltese labour market?Azzopardi, Rose Marie
2007All in the same boat : undocumented migrants and the Maltese labour marketBaldacchino, Godfrey
2019Analysing retirement age preferences and the effect of financial incentives on delaying retirementXuereb, Christian
2017Analysing the disparity between the demand and supply of local labour in Malta’s hospitality industryFenech, Luisa
1985An analysis of labour demand for the Maltese clothing industryZarb Dimech, Anthony (1985)
2020An analysis of the determinants influencing labour migration : a gravity model approach : Malta’s caseDalli, Adonia
2015An analysis of the local perception regarding atypical employment practices and their consequence on the Maltese labour marketBarbara, Stefania
2012An analysis of wage and labour market flexibility in MaltaMuscat, Janica
2003Annex 4 : summary of proposed measures-
2009-03Anticipating Malta’s labour market and skills requirementsDebono, Manwel
2007-05Article on undeclared work from SYSDEM correspondent - MaltaDebono, Manwel; Farrugia, Christine
2021Assessing the impact of foreign workers on wages in MaltaAzzopardi, Jessica (2021)
1999Assessing the need for minimum wage enforcement in the Maltese labour marketSciberras, Claude (1999)