Browsing by Subject Land use -- Planning -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 46  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
202330 years of planning : a review of spatial planning in Malta in the last thirty yearsMalta Chamber of Planners
202330 years of planning : preventing the tragedy of the commons?Briguglio, Marie
2018-05-20A brazen abuse of the planning system (1)Ebejer, John
2018-05-27A brazen abuse of the planning system (2)Ebejer, John
2016Breaking the traditional daytime haulage operations in Malta : less congestion and improved transport operations?Ciantar, Neil
2016Chapter 16 : Political parties and social movementsBriguglio, Michael
2008-04-06Closing the floodgates?Deidun, Alan
1991Coastal zone surveys of the Maltese Islands : onshore and offshoreAnderson, Ewan W.; Role, Avertano; Schembri, Patrick J.
2024Commitment kontra l-policyMusumeci, Robert
2016The Development Planning Act, 2016 : a critical appraisalMusumeci, Robert
2004-06-13The development rat raceDeidun, Alan
2004ECP Malta on Urban areas as nodes in a polycentric developmentFormosa, Saviour; Formosa Pace, Janice
1999Effective enforcement control : a proactive approachGrech, Vincent (1999)
2004-05-02EU Parliament election - 'the real Greens'!Deidun, Alan
2003-04-06The green whistle-blowerDeidun, Alan
2024Il-ligi ta’ l-ippjanar u transport Malta - verifika ta’ alignments u access fuq distributor roadsMusumeci, Robert
2024Il-‘commitment’ waħduMusumeci, Robert
2008The Lazzaretto's identity vs developmentMuscat, Nicola A. (2008)
2023“Like with like” u commitmentMusumeci, Robert
1999Maltese planning legislation : a balancing act?Bondin, Claire