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Showing results 1 to 20 of 244  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-08-08150 sena mill-mewt tal-Ingliza Sarah AustinMiceli, Raymond
2011-08An accurate and robust gender identification algorithmDeMarco, Andrea; Cox, Stephen J.
2015Acoustic approaches to gender and accent identificationDeMarco, Andrea
2024AċċessibbiltàInguanez, Simone; Sciberras, Romario
2023The adaptation of MAIN to MalteseGatt, Daniela; Borg Cutajar, Raquel
2007Aktar intietef folkloristici mill-GhasriCalleja, Toni
1940-06Aktar mill-qilla aktar mit-theddid aktar mid-dwejjaqGħaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti
2000An analysis of spelling skills of children in Year 6 lower stream classesCosta, Marisa (2000)
1996Attitudes towards language use in the Maltese primary schoolsSawyer, C. (1996); Xuereb, E. (1996)
1939-09Barranin f'pajjiżhomGħaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti
2021Being human?Levikov, Nika; Lanfranco, Sandro
1979The bicultural situation in MaltaEbejer, Francis
1989The bilingual writer (Mediterranean-Maltese and English) as JanusEbejer, Francis
2023BilingwiżmuFarrugia, George; Buttigieg, Joseph
1976The building blocks of a language : an exposition of a view treating the built environment as a system of signs for communicationZammit, Michael (1976)
2007A Casa del Fascio for MaltaThake, Conrad
1918Cenni sul problema linguistico nel MalteseCremona, Ninu
1998A comparison of connected speech processes in standard English and Maltese EnglishAttard, Melissa (1998)
1992Croce, Praz e l'Anglistica ItalianaGabrieli, Vittorio
2016Dativizable or non-dativizable : that is the question? : a syntactic-semantic analysis of English (non)-dativizable constructions in the production of a set of 2L1 English/Spanish simultaneous bilingual twinsSanchez Calderon, Silvia; Fernandez Fuertes, Raquel