Browsing by Subject Malta -- History -- Classical period, 218 B.C.-535 A.D.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 91  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1897The adventures of Julius Caesar, in MaltaCenturion Of The LXXI Legion
2024Ancient glass from the island of Malta : a preliminary study of Phoenician-Punic, Roman and post-Roman findsGrima, Matthew; Anastasi, Maxine; Cardona, David; Gambin, Timmy; Mercieca-Spiteri, Bernardette; Vella, Nicholas C.; Cagno, Simone; Vella, Daniel A.
1970Anna and MaltaBusuttil, Joseph
2012Apotropaia prehistoric and ancient amulets from the Maltese IslandsBonanno, Anthony
2024An archaeological and archaeometric study of late Punic–Roman pottery from the Tas-Silġ Sanctuary and the Żejtun Villa, MaltaRichard-Trémeau, Emma; Capelli, Claudio; Betts, John C.; Grech, Joseph; Humann, Alexandra; Anastasi, Maxine; Piazza, Michele
2017The archaeology of Malta & Gozo : 5000 BC - AD 1091Bonanno, Anthony
1999-09-19Arkeoloġija : Mużajk Ruman IZammit, Vincent
1999-09-26Arkeoloġija : Mużajk Ruman IIZammit, Vincent
2020Ashtart-Isis or Fortuna-Juno : an enigmatic marble statue from ancient MeliteBonanno, Anthony
2008Christian medicine and late antique surgery : illness and healing in the Maltese islands and Sicily in 4th-5th century A.D.Cassia, Margherita
1977The christianization of MaltaLuttrell, Anthony
2004Comments on Qrendi's historyWelsh, A. N.
1988Contiguita e continuita culturale e linguistica fra Sicilia e Malta in eta prearabaBonanno, Anthony
2018The culture of rock-cut cemeteries and artificial ritual caves in Roman and Byzantine MaltaBuhagiar, Mario
2005DatingMagro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C.
2008Domesticating islandscapes : Sicily and the Maltese Islands in the Later Neolithic and Eneolithic Ages (IV-III millennium BC)Cultraro, Massimo
1999-06-27Domus Rumana : ir-RabatZammit, Vincent
2012A drop in the ocean - Malta's trade in olive oil during the Roman periodGambin, Timmy
1977The emergence of Christianity in MaltaLewis, Harrison
2009Fdalijiet storiċi li jmorru lura sew fiż-żmienBonello, Wayne