Browsing by Subject Malta -- Politics and government -- 1964-

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 63  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023An analysis of Malta's geopolitical strategy 1964-1979Vassallo, Germaine (2023)
2019Clientelism or corruption? : the pattern of influence trading in Maltese politics and governmentCallus, Gale Lynn
2008Dependence and independence : Malta and the end of empireSmith, Simon C.
2022The European Parliament’s approach towards Malta’s rule of law issues and money laundering allegationsPortelli, Nicholas (2022)
2022The Europeanisation of Maltese foreign policy and the issue of irregular migrationPortelli, Eman (2022)
2008The fall from grace of an administrative elite : the administrative class of the Malta Civil Service and the transfer of power : April 1958 to September 1964Warrington, Edward
2012Generational habitus of youth during the ‘swinging’ sixties : a case study in MaltaVisanich, Valerie
2008The Gozo Civic Council : a case study of local government in colonial and independent Malta, 1961-1973Portelli, Paul Simon (2008)
2022Gozo economic development 1964-1984Bugeja, Daniel (2022)
2019Healing a turbulent past : reconciling church and politics in MaltaD'Amato, Anton
2021Historical background of the Maltese public service administration and management (the turning point)Camilleri, Emanuel
2000Just where is a woman's place? Trends and policies in the job marketCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2021A legal analysis on the ratification of treaties actAbela, Andrea (2021)
1967Malta Yearbook 1967 : GeneraliaHilary, B.
1970Malta Yearbook 1970 : GeneraliaEdmund, Brother
1971Malta Yearbook 1971 : generaliaHilary, Brother
1972Malta Yearbook 1972 : generaliaHilary, Brother
1973Malta Yearbook 1973 : generaliaHilary, Brother
1974Malta Yearbook 1974 : generaliaHilary, Brother
1975Malta Yearbook 1975 : generaliaHilary, Brother