Browsing by Subject Motion pictures -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1958The cinema in MaltaSatariano, Cecil
2001Cinematic offshoots of The TempestEllul, Simone (2001)
1999Does Malta need a film commission?Ronald, Susan (1999)
2020‘The Dragonfly’ : a poetry film : an audio-visual adaptation of Kenneth Wain’s poem, ‘Still Life 1’Zammit Munro, Sarah
2010E6-d7 : portraying the invisible antagonistMoffett, James (2010)
1975Films in Malta : 1974German, Eric
1976Films in Malta [1st July, 1974 - 30th June, 1975]German, Eric
1977Films in Malta [1st July, 1975 - 30th June, 1976]German, Eric
1978Films in Malta [1st July, 1976 - 30th June, 1977]German, Eric
1980Films in Malta [1st July, 1978 - 30th June, 1979]German, Eric
1981Films in Malta [1st July, 1979 - 30th June, 1980]German, Eric
2024The impact of streaming platforms on movie distribution : a local studyPace, Alec (2024)
1958The influence of filmsLaspina, S.
2017Is-sottotitli Taljani tal-film ‘Simshar’ u l-analiżi tagħhomCastorina, Luisa
2023-01Lela : Kliem u noti u l-bejniet S3 - 13 programmesGauci, Claudia; Ellul, Leanne
2021-10Lela: Kliem u noti u l-bejniet S1-13 programmesGauci, Claudia; Ellul, Leanne
2022-01Lela: Kliem u noti u l-bejniet S2 - 13 programmesGauci, Claudia; Ellul, Leanne
2023-10Lela: Kliem u noti u l-bejniet S4 - 13 programmesGauci, Claudia; Ellul, Leanne
2024Malta and Italy : language, linguistics, film and literature. Writings in honour of Joseph M. BrincatCaruana, Sandro
2010Malta Story (released 1953) – The Director’s CutSmith, Allan