Browsing by Subject Politics, Practical -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 45  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-10Agora S4 - 13 programmesDepartment of Public Policy, University of Malta; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2023-01Agora S5 - 13 programmesDepartment of Public Policy, University of Malta; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2023-04Agora S6 - 13 programmesDepartment of Public Policy, University of Malta; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2023-10Agora S7 - 13 programmesDepartment of Public Policy, University of Malta; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2024-01Agora S8 - 13 programmesDepartment of Public Policy, University of Malta; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2024Agora S9 - 13 programmesDepartment of Public Policy, University of Malta; Vassallo, Mario Thomas
2001An analysis of campaign strategies in recent general electionsGafa', Angelo (2001)
2008Aspects of the debate in political party fundingAbela, Keith (2008)
2023-11[Book review] A philosophy that keeps mattering - Bodies that still matter : resonances of the work of Judith Butler, (eds.) Annemie Halsema, Katja Kwastek and Roel van den Oever (Amsterdam university press, 2021)Borg, Kurt
2022-07Bringing politics to the peopleMizzi, David
2019Can the domestic politics of small island states lead to international in/stability? A case study of MaltaCachia, Jean Claude; DeBattista, André P.
n.d.Cenni sullo stato politico di Malta-
1980Church-state-people relations 1900-1914Baldacchino, Michael George (1980)
2012Dom Mintoff : l-istampa u x-xandirSammut, Carmen
1968The first parliament 1921-1924 and some aspects of employment legislationAzzopardi, Roman (1968)
2019Freedom of expression, demonization and deification : continuities and disruptions in the Maltese media systemSammut, Carmen
2013Gender and political engagement : a role for the media in MaltaSammut, Carmen
2000The ideal candidate : a study of university students' perceptions of political candidates and the attributes they consider ideal for a political candidate to possessBugeja, Nadette (2000)
2004Ideology in Maltese party politicsPuli, Clyde Michael (2004)
2012Is it time for a reform of the ballot vote paper?Mercieca, Simon