Browsing by Subject Public interest -- Malta
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023 | Acting in the public interest... whatever that might mean | Aquilina, Kevin |
2022-07 | The CEO’s ideal CFO : a study in Maltese PIEs | Ellul, Lauren; Naudi, Gianluca |
2018 | Confidentiality and the public interest in Maltese statutory audit firms | Camilleri, David |
2020 | Corporate governance guideline relevance to Maltese family public interest companies : a small state perspective | Baldacchino, Peter J.; Cachia, Karl; Tabone, Norbert; Grima, Simon; Bezzina, Frank |
2009 | Essential elements of whistleblower legislation | Mercieca, Deborah |
2023 | The legal interplay between the private individual’s rights and the public interest under the ambit of expropriation law in Malta | Agius, Pia (2023) |
2003 | The notion of public interest : with an analysis of Maltese jurisprudence | Pisani Bencini, Krista |
2023 | The role of Maltese statutory auditors towards serving public interest : an analysis | Scicluna, Christine (2023) |
2017 | Rules on whistle-blowing | Fabri, David |