Browsing by Subject Quality assurance

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Auditor tenure in Maltese PLCs and its implications on financial statement reliability : an analysisFenech, Kelsey Ann
2011Bologna expert training session and learning outcomes seminarNational Team of Bologna Experts; Avellino, Roberta; Farrugia, Ray; Grech, Veronica; Grech, Carl; Grech, Omar; Mifsud, Henry; Mizzi, Bernie; Vella, Alfred J.; Calleja, James
2016A case study on teaching agile software development methodsSpiteri Staines, Tony
1995-03Communicating through the service environmentCaruana, Albert
2000The divergence between the expectations of the consumer and the perception of management in relation to the quality of service : the case of four and five star hotels in the resort areas of Gramado, Canela and Nova Petropolis in the state of Rio Grande do SulZammit Munro, Leonard (2000)
2014An empirical investigation of customer satisfaction in the Maltese banking industryBusuttil, Deborah
2024A framework for investigating signals in pharmaceutical regulatory quality assuranceSammut, Valentina; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
1996Hosting the guest : changing local attitudes and behaviourSweeney, Adrienne; Wanhill, Stephen
2010How audit software helps to achieve quality in auditingVella, Angele
2020Impact of peer review in reducing uncertainty in the definition of the lung target volume among trainee oncologistsMercieca, Susan; Pan, S.; Belderbos, J.; Salem, A.; Tenant, S.; Aznar, M. C.; Woolf, D.; Radhakrishna, G.; van Herk, M.
2014Improving unified process methodology by implementing new quality management disciplineTodorovic, Boris
2008Information driven SDLC conceptsCachia, Ernest; Micallef, Mark
2011International openness and the external dimension seminarNational Team of Bologna Experts; Avellino, Roberta; Farrugia, Ray; Grech, Veronica; Grech, Carl; Grech, Omar; Mifsud, Henry; Mizzi, Bernie; Vella, Alfred J.; Calleja, James
2015An investigation into service quality management in the food service industryZammit, Lindsey Ann
2005Measuring the functionality of online storesCachia, Ernest; Micallef, Mark
2006Measuring the usability of online storesCachia, Ernest; Micallef, Mark
2007A multi-tier, multi-role security framework for e-commerce systemsCachia, Ernest; Micallef, Mark
2017NEREUS : an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership for skills development in the field of “next generation networked media over 4G+ infrastructures"Pallis, E.; Papadourakis, G.; Debono, C. J.; Briffa, Johann A.; Negru, D.; Mavromoustakis, C. X.; Politis, C.; Tsaptsinos, D.; Mastorakis, G.
2016Policy and implementation of undergraduate student learning assessment : a case analysis of University MShieh, Jin-Jy; Cefai, Carmel; Wang, Wenting
2021-10The proof is in the puddingBorg, Martina