Browsing by Subject Quinine
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1985 | Chemotherapy of Malaria | Okelo, G. B. A. |
2023 | Cinchona alkaloids – acid, anion-driven fluorescent INHIBIT logic gates with a receptor1–fluorophore– spacer–receptor2 format and PET and ICT mechanisms | Agius, Nicole; Magri, David C. |
2021 | A fluorescent polymeric INHIBIT logic gate based on the natural product quinidine | Agius, Nicola’; Magri, David C. |
1873 | Il Barth : gazzetta di medicina e scienze naturali : Vol. 2, No. 13 | Gulia, Gavino |
1873 | Il Barth : gazzetta di medicina e scienze naturali : Vol. 2, No. 15-16 | Gulia, Gavino |
1874 | Il Barth : gazzetta di medicina e scienze naturali : Vol. 3, No. 21-22 | Gulia, Gavino |
1876-03-31 | Il Barth No. 4 Vol. IV, 1876 | Gulia, Gavino |
1975 | A tonic with rather unpleasant side effects | Pace, Joseph L. |