Browsing by Subject Radiation dosimetry

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Adult doses during lower limb angioplasty procedures at the imaging department of a general hospital in Malta.Micallef, Maruska
2010Adult doses from computed tomography (CT) scanning of the abdomen at a general hospital in Malta.Ellul, Lee Anne
2024Calibration of thermoluminescent dosimetry crystals for patient organ dosimetry in CTChetcuti, Maronia (2024)
2024Class solution development for volumetric modulated arc therapy planning of cervical cancer and the investigation of source-to-skin distance changes during radiotherapy treatmentCassar, Julia (2024)
2023A comparative study of basic patient radiation dose related summary statistics obtained from one commercial and one free open-source dose monitoring platformCardona, Nicholas (2023)
2010A comparative study of the 'Air gap' technique and the 'Grid' technique in digital radiography of lateral hip shoot through.Degiorgio, David
2020Computed tomography (CT) examination improvementZarb, Francis
2021Computed tomography diagnostic reference levels for adult brain, chest and abdominal examinations : a systematic reviewGarba, Idris; Zarb, Francis; McEntee, Mark F.; Fabri, Simon G.
2012Copper filtration in paediatric chest x-ray imaging its impact on image quality and dose area product (DAP)Haber, Martina (2012)
2015Development of disease-specific software lesions to evaluate and optimise the performance of image-based dosimetry in radionuclide therapyCamilleri, Miguel
2020Distributed radiation dosimeter for a biologically-equivalent x-ray phantomMuscat, Gabriella
2009Doses during chest examinations at the neonatal and paediatric intensive care unit (NPICU) of a general hospital in Malta.Zammit, Melanie
2008An effective dose-reducing tool in digital radiography for lateral lumbar spine examination.Mizzi, Deborah
2012Effects of AEC chamber selection on patient dose and image quality during direct digital PA chest radiography.Buttigieg, Adrian
2020Establishment and optimisation of diagnostic reference levels for common CT examinations in NigeriaGarba, Idris
2011Evaluating the referral criteria for CT C-spineFarrugia, Charlene (2011)
2021Evaluating the use of higher kVp and copper filtration as a dose optimisation tool in digital planar radiographyMifsud, Katrina (2021)
2011Evaluation of radiographers' knowledge in radiation protection.Mizzi, Loraine
2021Evaluation of the use of anti-scatter grids in adult knee radiographyAbela, Nicola (2021)
2012Investigating the effect of different high dose iodine-131 ablation therapies on disease prognosis in post-thyroidectomy patientsHili, Martina (2012)