Browsing by Subject Semantic computing

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021An automatic participant detection framework for event tracking on twitterMamo, Nicholas; Azzopardi, Joel; Layfield, Colin
2011Bizzilla: a collaborative task management environment with expert findingDebattista, Jeremy (2011)
2018Bridging the event semantic gapMuscat, Matthew
2022Cross-lingual link discovery for under-resourced languagesRosner, Michael; Ahmadi, Sina; Apostol, Elena-Simona; Bosque-Gil, Julia; Chiarcos, Christian; Dojchinovski, Milan; Gkirtzou, Katerina; Gracia, Jorge; Gromann, Dagmar; Liebeskind, Chaya; Oleskeviciene, Giedre Valunaite; Serasset, Gilles; Truica, Ciprian-Octavian
2010DIME : desktop interruption managementBorg, Erika L.; Abela, Charlie; Staff, Chris
2010Distributed protocols as behaviours in ErlangDemicoli, Darren (2010)
2024The effect of the context length of large language models on the quality of extracted information in Polish in the process of project managementPliszczuk, Damian; Maj, MichaƂ; Marek, Patryk; Wilczewska, Weronika; Cieplak, Tomasz; Rymarczyk, Tomasz
2019ELD : event timeline detection - a participant-based approach to tracking eventsMamo, Nicholas; Azzopardi, Joel; Layfield, Colin
2012Greetings from the ICSC 2012 Program Committee Co-ChairsDingli, Alexiei; Hasida, Koiti; Urso, Alfonso; Wood, Mark D.
2018Grounded textual entailmentTrong Vu, Hoa; Greco, Claudio; Erofeeva, Aliia; Jafaritazehjan, Somayeh; Linders, Guido; Tanti, Marc; Testoni, Alberto; Bernardi, Raffaella; Gatt, Albert
2024Linguistic LOD for interoperable morphological descriptionRosner, Michael; Ionov, Maxim
2004Name finding from free text using HMMSGrixti, Wayne; Abela, Charlie; Montebello, Matthew
2008P.A.L. - a personalised information broker for assisted livingCamilleri, Vanessa; Montebello, Matthew
2003P2P.NET : a peer-to-peer platform for the Microsoft .NET frameworkFarrugia, Johan (2003)
2023Predicting drug-drug interactions using knowledge graphsFarrugia, Lizzy; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; Debattista, Jeremy; Abela, Charlie
2008RDF access to relational databasesSacco, Owen (2008)
2019Resource-light multilingual natural language interfaceCole, Jason
2010-10SemChat : extracting personal information from chat conversationsCortis, Keith; Abela, Charlie
2015A study of automated feature extraction and classification for music emotion recognitionAbela Scicluna, Maria (2015)
2024-03Towards content accessibility through lexical simplification for Maltese as a low-resource languageMeli, Martina; Tanti, Marc; Porter, Chris