Browsing by Subject Tourism -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 335  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-02-05Adapting for change - from mass to niche? Barriers to alternative tourism? A case study from MaltaJones, Andrew
2010Adaption to climate change : a focus on the tourism sector in MaltaFarrugia, Maria (2010)
1989An administrative and managerial work experience report August 1988/1989Borg, Frans (1989); Mallia, Joseph (1989)
1971The administrative problems of the Yacht Marina in MaltaSciberras, Carmel G. (1971)
2023Air travel and tourism in Malta : impacts of low-cost airline introductionGoetz, Andrew R.; Attard, Maria; Budd, Lucy
2014An alternative model for a civil aviation authority : a comparative analysisFarrugia, Christian
2017Analysing the future potential of luxury tourism in the Maltese islandsMicallef, Lara
2013Analysing the relationship between innovation and destination branding : Malta and Singapore : a case studyMicallef, Josianne (2013)
2017Analysing yachting tourism in the Maltese islands as a potential marketMagro, Michaela
2018An analysis : traditional data collection methods vs digitally included methods in the tourism industryBorg, Tyrone
2017An analysis of family businesses in the Maltese tourism market : a case study of legacy businesses in travelSullivan, Luisa
2018An analysis of food offered in four and five star hotels located in the northern part of MaltaBalzan, Jean Paul
2012An analysis of hotel performance based on MHRA quarterly surveysVella Bonnici, Marc
2024An analysis of pre- and post- pandemic connections and their impact on tourism : the Maltese islandsBonnici, Maria (2024)
2018An analysis of the provision of training and career development in tourism institutions : a study based on MaltaBarbara, Maria
2024An analysis on the effects of Brexit on incoming tourism from the UKSchembri, Karl (2024)
2015Analyzing the UK tourist outbound market using time series analysis, generalized linear, gee and multilevel modelsGalea, Charlene (2015)
2014Application of regionalism to the architecture of the Maltese tourism industryBigeni, Andea (2014)
2014The application of soft power by small states : Malta's nation-branding strategySultana, Anthony (2014)
2015Approach using social media assisted by a recommender system : a prototype implementation in tourismCassar, Andre; Spiteri, Geoffrey