Browsing by Subject World War, 1939-1945 -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 352  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-09-30The 1938 Czech crisis and the situation in MaltaDebono, Charles
2019-07-21The 1944 return of the Statue of Saint Lawrence to Birgu : a historical account on the 75th anniversaryAgius, Lawrence
2016-08-141945: Jidhol 'il-Konvoj ta' Santa Maria' izda jisfaxxa l-pjan ta' Hitler u Mussolini li jwasslu provvisti ghall-forzi taghhom fil-MediterranMuscat, Charles
2016-11-11400 sena MatriciZammit, Pawlu
201270 sena ilu : Assunta rebbieħa, konvoj rebbieħZahra, Adrian
2017-01-0170 sena minn weghda Ii saret realtaMument
2016-08-1674th anniversary of the Santa Marija Convoy-
201975 sena minn mindu għaddiet il-Madonna tal-Kunċizzjoni ta’ BormlaColeiro, Mario
2019-04-1577 years ago today, Malta receives the George CrossGalea, Albert
2022Agriculture and peasant politics in wartime Malta, 1939-1945Baldacchino, James (2022)
2016The air battle for Malta 1942 : exploring the turning pointsGatt, Keith
1988Air war over Malta : the alliesGalea, Frederick R.; Caruana, Richard J.
2015Ajruplani Ii waqghu fuq Hal Ghaxaq matul it-Tieni Gwerra DinjijaDebono, Charles
1940-06Aktar mill-qilla aktar mit-theddid aktar mid-dwejjaqGħaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti
2004All out for victory : Gozo's socio-economic experience during World War II, 1939-1945Debrincat, Amelia (2004)
2019The analytical identification and proposed recovery and conservation of an aircraft engine submerged off the coast of MaltaWhitlatch, Jonathan
2018Anniversarji 2018Muscat, Keith
2018-09-30Anniversarju li jitlob celebrazzjoniMicallef Stafrace, Yvonne
2018-03-10The Archpriest still loved by the people of VittoriosaDuncan, Hermann
2019Aspects of the agriculture industry during the second world war : Żebbuġ and Siġġiewi as a case-studyButtigieg, Noel